
Yes cops are more lenient with their own, but there are limits, and rewriting evidence in the case of a boy being killed and another two injured is a lot less likely if the cop's spouse that did it is someone who you've never met vs someone whom you've worked closely with. I'm sure yet another probe will be

So I think what you term a breathalyzer is what we term an ASD, because the hand held devices are just a screening device that aren't court admissible.

Approved Roadside-Screening Device. (in the states referred to as "preliminary breath testers" and are used to establish probable cause for drunk driving arrests) They are either disposable tests that detect alcohol in the breath and saliva or can be hand-held battery operated tests for breath. If you fail your ASD

Please read this before going off the handle? She was given an ASD test (which is very common) and tested negative for alcohol, so wasn't requested to go to the station and get a breathalyzer. Her husband was a cop in York, not South Simcoe, and the family of the dead boy is suing the Simons with completely libelous

I actually got it initially from:

Did anyone read the Shailene Woodley article? All about the reading about native americans and she thinks what they did was amazing and she really likes their "lifestyle" so she puts on warpaint and dances with hippies? What?

Have you tried Certain Dri (the liquid roll-on kind?) you put it on in the evening, it burns for like 10 mins, then for a few days you don't sweat at all! You can buy it off the shelf in Walgreens, and it's not very expensive and is the only thing I've found that works. (Secret clinical strength did nothing...)

Fact. My sister took care of the two of us as kids and now that we're adults she always has an insane amount of bread around. And money. She's determined to never run out again. And then donates amazing amounts of it to charity. The woman is something.

... Avril's new pet project?

What else would power It's a Small World? Only forces of great evil have such malice.

Fun fact: he was cremated and stowed at Forest Lawn, CA. No word on the Nazi murderbots.

Sorry... what? I googled Helen Lasichanh and... what??? She's tall and leggy and a model and ....unconventionally attractive? ...what?

Yeah... my parents are all sorts of weird, but still seem in love or something? It's all very strange and I tend not to think too much about it. But yeah. All around a bad idea (I think she would come without him, but I also think it would open up a lot of guilt and pain that she pretends isn't there and then she'd be

You have bored me. Begone.

Congrats on your magnificent achievement! I hope they crown you with excellence and jobs and funny hats of success! (Also good luck with the defense).

Erm... fucked that reply up.... but apparently you can scroll sideways to see the entire thing? Oops.

"This is upsetting, try the salmon" is my new favourite phrase. I will be using it. At completely salmon-free times.

I call them my "kids". Unless I'm mad at them because they gave me the plague and didn't clean up their bloody lab equipment. Like right now. *cranky old person*

1. How is you "having fun speculating" on Jez any different then her posting to her twitter?

UGs are babies. And carriers of so many diseases.