
So this is sorta unrelated but also kinda. My dad's an abusive asshole and my mum, well I love her but my sister can't stand her and she's ... overbearing. And I'm having a wedding in a month, which I was just going to invite my one sibling (who I absolutely adore) to, but SO invited his entire nuclear family (billion

I thought she just tweeted it and Buzzfeed picked it up? Their article on the topic certainly makes it sound so. It makes sense she'd insist to Buzzfeed later on that it was real if it was a hoax perpetrated on her. Maybe she did think she was doing the right thing because someone who has harassed other women was

God, watching these Nevada-rancher clown bags proselytize about the founding fathers and freedom is killing me. Fortunately this fine fine country has very low taxes on alcohol, so I'ma gonna go take advantage of that.

I think she was saying that she was surprised people would put up with "Terry Richardson's" behavior. It makes sense if she's being harassed she'd be defensive. We don't know who sent that text or why, but until we do maybe painting her as a vapid opportunist is a bit premature?

The two (hetero) weddings I've been involved with on a planning basis, both times the man was directing the the wedding be more formal, that more guests be invited, needing the nice venue, the cake... Men freak out about planning and their expectations for the wedding too. Ladies don't have a monopoly.

We don't know that she didn't honestly think it was Terry Richardson texting her. I think you should wait before throwing obscenities at Ms. Appleton. If anything, the agent seems to be the one who really went running with this even after learning that it was a hoax.

But the founding fathers were flawless beings of pure light who drafted from heavenly wisdom this document to guide 'Murica to freedom and righteousness for all eternity!

... so this conversation's something else. But that data is quite fascinating (Is it from the economist? It's from the economist.), There are so many variables to take into consideration.... and such stunning variability (why is Japan so low???). Can you link me the article?

Clearly other commentators think the same as me. Either your communication skills are terrible or you've a very short memory. Either way I agree, this conversation is done.

Have a Maru.

No it doesn't deserve ridicule. It's just people blowing off a lot of compressed steam, and being used to constant input from trolls (who are also floating around today). I think it's very important that both men and women are in on this fight, and I think from what you've said you're an excellent ally. But there's a

RIP so many of my shirts...

Oh man I know.... but you're so liable for any of that hair-raising shit they do on your watch, so if you see it you damn well call 'em out on it. OP seemed to be like "oh they're getting a chemical burn? what a lark, it'll teach them a lesson". Noooooope.

Yes accidents do happen, but allowing the undergrads to wear sandals and short-shorts in a wet lab is begging for accidents to happen. Entirely different. If they show up dressed unsafely you tell them how to fix it and ask them to leave. If the problem persists it's the PI/manager's issue and liability. If you're

I don't really find lab coats to be a must unless someone comes in with large portions of skin showing, but wearing open-toed sandals and short-shorts? That is totally improper in the situation described. And someone spilling a substantial amount of phenol on themselves and a senior lab worker seeing and not insisting

Why were your lab standards so lax? That kind of lack of safe attire would be illegal in most academic labs, not to mention terrible having so much possibility of contamination around RNA. No biology department that I've seen would ever be so careless doing a wet lab. And the incident with the biohazard and the

... what labs have you been working in?

I couldn't see the image and I thought you were talking about the fact that her entire upper chest is exposed (AND EYES!) and that is bad news bears if something splashes. I would be worried about chemical burns too.

It doesn't matter what the troop says, clearly the organization has spoken and is willing to intervene. So while it's great that local troops can be less bigoted then the BSA, but they're still participating and giving tacit approval to anti-gay and anti-atheist policies. Additionally it's not like there aren't other

So if the Education Secretary and the school system say that they won't accept gay students, gay adults (because they're not "clean" and "morally straight"), atheists, girls, or agnostics.... well why on earth would we be funding those schools either? So sorry.... I'm not allowed in the BSA for multiple "faults" in my