Thems fightin words.
Thems fightin words.
Can we just stop funding these clowns?
Korra, this is kinda unrelated but your last season was awesome and I would like a new one soon please.
I think the poster meant that was fabricated miscarriage which someone made up to get out of work.
Wait what? I use isoamyl nitrite in my lab and it's the worst smelling... ughhhhhhhhh. Why would someone ever do that to themselves?
Bra fashion? Whipped-cream sales?
Well mining uranium is terrible for the environment, and the high level waste from plants is a security nightmare waiting to happen, as well as needing to be stored for thousands of years... so super clean is relative? Even if everything works swimmingly. I'm an advocate for nuclear power because it's better then what…
I get what you mean, people are irrationally afraid of radiation, (I used to use radioisotopes in my research and when the family found out it was the worst). And that is a silly reason to do anything. However, spent uranium rods are active for thousands of years and storing them is a huge problem of security and…
Yeah but I'm curious to know if the greater food waste is per captia, or overall (they do have 4x the people, so are they wasting 4x the food?). The comment is interesting but doesn't provide me with enough information to extract something meaningful.
Honestly though, if nuclear power was a (excuse my possibly terrible american slang) "hail mary", wouldn't it be fairly universal? In fact Germany, which is at the forefront of european renewable energy, is phasing out it's nuclear energy, not in the least because of Chernobyl contamination... and the Fukishima…
Woah... saying something like that needs an awful lot of qualifications and backup data. While I fully agree that India's reluctance to let in multinational corporations that would improve the supply chains to the vast majority of its grocery stores is a huge issue, this absolutely needs citations.
Gawker needs better comment editing abilities. Fo sho.
You write very well. This is a skill I value.
At their own peril, I'm sure.
Well I don't know any doctor who would "abort" a child the day before the due date. Any likely "abortion" would just be inducing labor at that point and then you have a baby that is viable. But a pregnant woman maintains bodily autonomy for the entire pregnancy, yes.
Are you a woman getting a late-term abortion? Are you a medical professional who she is seeking the counsel of? Are you a researcher looking into the effects or causes of late-term abortions? No? It's not your business. So the fact that you think you have the right to tell her when she can or cannot make choices about…
I appreciate your name good sir. Perhaps they should also run for mayor of Toronto?
... Why is it any of your business?