
Don't worry, grad school's good at eroding confidence in scientific rigor. It is only a matter of time.....

I know science and facts are challenging and complex. Don't worry your little head about it, the smart people have it covered for you.

Have the data and conclusions been peer-reviewed? I'm sure you know what you're doing but I like published data that had been checked and analyzed by independent observers. People make mistakes, especially people with opinions that could colour their work.

You may also have a selection bias due to your strong feelings on the matter.

So here are just some of the ways that the Addiction Research Institute uses to quantify and diagnose of addictions and their severity.

You are a patient soul.


American law and the SCOTUS are very interesting, but certainly not the litmus test for the entire western world. I'd want data that supports this philosophical shift too.

So... what's the golden time frame that we're aiming for here? The "erosion of civil liberties" implies that there was an ideal time when civil liberties were at their best.

Agree with you on the rape kits thing.

My comment was solely about how saying "synthetic heroin" is misleading and redundant (there is no natural heroin) and that "hyperaddictive" is not a medical term nor does it have any real meaning, so you must define it or it's a completely useless word. I am not a copy editor, I am a chemist who has spent some time

Woah, also a canadian here and I fully disagree. Some people have chronic pain and are taking meds for that, some people may injure themselves (and take opioids for less then a week, which is what the study says is the average) and that's fine too. If you're not a person's doctor or the person in pain you really

All heroin is synthetic. You have to acetylate morphine in a lab, so "synthetic heroin" is redundant. Additionally "hyperaddictive" is not a word. (Nor is the hyphenated form in case you were wondering).

I like his goofy comedy more too. I've never seen 1911 or New Fists Of Fury, but I certainly won't now. Thanks for pointing it out to me and directing me to some very interesting/saddening reading. Taiwan's been through the wringer, but it's an amazing country that has accomplished so much.

What do you want here? I'm totally on board with Disney doing a Vietnamese version of the song because they released in Vietnam (want me to write a letter? how do you best think I could right this injustice? I'm 100% here for you), but if you want Disney to do every language on earth, they're rightfully going to laugh

But see that would actually make sense, because the film was released in Vietnam! Why would Disney pay a pop singer to sing the song in a language that the film in not being released in for a country where the film is not being shown? It makes no sense.

Oh? What is your fav. Jackie Chan movie? As a kid I decided I wanted to grow up to be Jackie Chan after seeing Who Am I? Of course... going back to that movie now that I'm older I'm sure that the beginning in Africa is horribly problematic....

Not at all.... but you probably don't speak Catalan. And I have a devil of a time in France because a lot of terms are ones I've never heard or that are pronounced in the most bizarre ways. I can figure out german (a language I've only spoken for a year or two) about as quickly as I can some parisians. What is wrong

Scalar Feeled is out of line and clearly very angry. But cunt and bitch and all the gendered insults may not be the best way to respond? My knowledge of christianity is very rusty but turning the other cheek seems the best way to respond here. Nothing is gained by sinking to that level. You know what you've done and

So... what languages do you speak?