
I invited 2 people to my wedding at the courthouse, SO invited 5. Afterwards we're going to my fav. science museum, then we're doing 1920s cocktails at an excellent bar. And then the next day we all go to this epic beach! Would be hard to do with 200....

But clearly that idea didn't occur to the OP? Hence why they're upset?

Well Catalonia says they're their own country... so I think saying Castilian Spanish should go in and Catalan should not is maybe a bigger deal then you might think? Likewise the French Canadians are Extremely! proud of their language and have a thriving film industry, they are a substantial market. So also a bigger

Oh certainly. I personally enjoy Nollywood action films entirely too much... I can't remember the last fun hollywood action flick that I've seen. They're all either overwhelmingly dark and gritty or rife with jingoism. ( I miss the Jackie Chan days.... )

I think the OP was worried that there was a racist element to excluding most of India and Africa?

Oh god I moved to the US and I can't buy people timbits as a "thank you" present. It's driving me up the wall. How do americans survive and maintain polite society? What is this dunkin donuts where they ask me if I want cold tea? It's anarchy here!

Come visit Canada! We're !!!sometimes!!!! not as terrible as the united states! ( Do you like maternity leave? Do you like health care? Do you like having a cute Queen with limitless corgis? The great north may be the place for you!*)

Evo-psych generally aggravates me as a scientist.

First off, the Catalan language is recognized as an official separate language by the Spanish government.

I too like to type with my toes on occasion :)

Honestly I don't know what I'd do in that situation. But as a reasoning member of society who is not confronted with such a heartbreaking and lethal choice I'd agree with you. It is unethical. But damn would that one hurt.

I love how you avoid passing judgments sweetie.

But letting your child die when there's a way you could save her

I think raising a child in a cult is wrong and worthy of criticism. You apparently don't think so. Our conversation is over.

I really couldn't care less about their reproductive choices. I'm questioning unsavory parenting behaviors ... and this family does seem very unsavory. I think that's partly where all the anger (snark?) is coming from. But yes, some people are targeting the Dugger's reproductive habits which is intolerant and

I did like the one story about a christian mob showing up demanding to be martyred and the governor being like "ain't nobody got time for this shit". I know too many young idiots who'd jump at a grandiose silly notion like that...

I think we do reserve some right to critically examine a family and their actions. We would criticize parents who abuse their children and I've certainly voiced concerns over parents who bring their children into organizations like Scientology which appear to exploit people. Honestly I don't care if Mrs. Dugger has

Now that is an interesting ethics question. For the one issue, if the person doesn't want a girl/boy enough to pay to get IVF should we force them to have a child of the sex they don't want? Would that be ideal for the child? For the other, I'm very pro-genetic screening for disorders, but wheres the cut-off there?

Worth a read: