
The US isn't as unique as you seems to think it is, we have the NFA lobby which pushes for very similar legislation and which now is funded by your NRA (hooray neighbors!). We also saw the long-gun registry repealed recently and the government's looking at several other actions which the RCMP has voiced objection to

Yeah but what the poster said was guns kill, period. "That is all." Like guns don't have useful, practical everyday uses in our society as well. Some of which do involve killing, but hunting can be very beneficial in maintaining stable populations of animals like deer and moose.


I believe you.

You have brought my heart warm fuzzy feels. Have a Maru!

You know, my country and quite a few other countries survive with sane gun regulations that allow people to responsibly own firearms and still have very low gun homicide rates. What I do is incredibly safe, requires intense concentration and fine coordination, and does not harm anyone. I objected to someone stating

It really hit home here on Jezebel, but the polarity of this argument.... either people saying "guns kill and are for only killing, get rid of them all" or "I think I should take my gun anywhere and knives are just as dangerous in these scenarios". Neither statement is true or reasonable, so what do people hope to

Is this sarcasm? Because I knew a lot of people who found target shooting a very calming and team-bonding experience during adolescence.

I honestly don't know why the carry laws are the way they are in the US, but there's an Us vs. Them attitude that is very pervasive here. And I think that really stands in the way of meaningful dialogue (which is ultimately the only way the US gun laws will change). Perhaps saying "arguing for a knife ban is flat out

.... No, it was initially invented in the search for immortality, then used to treat infections and as a fumigant. Then it's explosive capabilities were identified and refined.

Sigh.... sadly our brains evolved to be the most efficient killing machines. Our tools reflect that incredibly well. And yes, I can't see any reason for a person to wear a gun into Starbucks, I don't even know why most cops carry firearms, but there is certainly a place for guns in our world, and I think that with the

"Guns, on the other hand, are used to kill. That is all. Full Stop." Is most definitely an oversimplification. It is alienating instantaneously to anyone who uses a gun, and (in my view) ignoring the issue. I know reading some idiot who says "we should ban knives now?" is frustrating, but this is not helping either.

She said "Guns, on the other hand, are used to kill. That is all." That is patently false and very alienating to anyone who uses guns.
Fun fact: gunpowder was initially used in China to treat skin infections.

Or because it's a relaxing and fun hobby (hi!). I'm from a place with sane gun regulations and a much healthier gun culture then the US, and plenty of people use guns for a myriad of reasons. Some of them include killing animals, which is not inherently bad (overpopulation of some deer species, etc.). Some of them

I am from a country with much saner gun laws then the States, I shot on a rifle team for 5 years, I've never killed anything with a gun. Guns do not exist solely to kill. They are tools and yes some tools are dangerous. This comment is a gross oversimplification of the issue.

I shot on a rifle team for 5 years. Target shooting. (I'm incapable of killing a mouse.) Please stop over-simplifying the issue.

Oh that is cool!

I think americans need to develop the concept of hate speech.

Thanks everyone! I checked out pretty much all of your suggestions (didn't make it to any pawn shops) and we found a nice tungsten carbide ring.