
I'm getting married. In two months. Yea gods. Where on earth do you get a men's wedding band that isn't $2k?

Whoever edited the "mission statement" video.... eesh

Wait, what?

I think Dangertits' reply to the OP sums up my feelings on the matter quite nicely. Pregnancy dramatically changes your body in a lot of ways, and some women don't want that. I don't think you have a right to pass judgement.

So witty, so clever. I am outmatched. Or at least bored silly.

So yeah... third tier.

Stanford says otherwise sweetcheeks. Aw, did you go to a third-tier school and get a low paying job? I understand the bitterness, I'm sure you deserved more!

I don't care why a woman wants to have an abortion. Her reasons are not "icky".


Unfortunately we will share a profession once I finish up my PhD. You are by no means special or qualified to judge.

Yes, I'm sure that everyone in a profession other than yours is inferior.

I love it when people who are wonderfully proficient in one area suddenly decide they're experts in everything. Like an engineer feeling like they have all the training and insight necessary to evaluate the promise of someone who wants to become a lawyer. Please.


Fucking Harper.

Two high schoolers, we're both butt-naked. I'm giving a blowjob, getting into the sexy-times. His father is a chef, and apparently really likes the fact that his son and I are dating, thinks we're good for each other, so he makes us an elaborate dinner. And since they never use the dining table he brings it into the


Technically correct? The best kind of correct!

That's what we strive for!

Yeah a lot of the things her science-friend said rub me the wrong way.... like someone read a wikipedia article and then was an authority on the topic...

Also the phrase : Neither is the sodium part, since this is just half of salt. However, either part of the molecule can be harmful in great quantities." made me wince. This is a bad explanation. I don't like your science friend's chemistry Lindy West.