Bullshit. Dark energy. Only indirectly measurable.
Bullshit. Dark energy. Only indirectly measurable.
Tell me about it, this morning I read this article about american religious schools... read the course curricula, it's the stuff of nightmares. This country most certainly has an issue with science.
What if it was your 16 year old thats making the dumb decision? They still deserve to be executed?
So saying first off that the person you're shooting at without seeing isn't someone you know and love. Say it's a 16 yr old idiot deciding to take his first foray into crime and going for your stereo. This is a reason to shoot? Never shoot at anything you're not trying to kill ..... and killing someone's an awfully…
To be fair the rest of the world is either terrified of, in love with, or condescending to america. Y'all inspire some strong feelings. Is it really all that surprising that we see parties relating to a huge cultural force that is also on our minds a disproportionate amount of the time?
Lydia is writing to a woman.
Power isn't the best descriptor here, although I do get why you used it. Try "sensitive" instead (maybe selective in a pinch).
I hope so as well but I remember that sinking feeling when I told and no one believed me until he came clean... also the courts tend to err on the side of keeping families together.
When I was a teen and my sister and I were regularly being raped by my father and I didn't want to destroy my family for a variety of reasons I loved being told that parent/teen conflict was normal!
A tad bit melodramatic yourself? One famous rich white girl's problems doesn't really encompass my idea of societies' ills.
Yeah that made me do a double-take too...
Oh I disagree, most of the best scientists were quite excessive. And in both good and bad ways. Debating the oxford dictionary's synonym choice for pedantic is the very definition of dull (hahaha!! .... ahem sorry.), but I included the link anyways. Click on the synonyms.
(Honestly I never got why pedantic is an insult; being precise, scrupulous, and meticulous makes really good scientists. Otherwise you end up with some of the calculations in pounds/sec instead of N/s and your Mars Orbiter disintegrates with great fanfare.)
You're missing a couple important steps there!
No one in this comment thread ever said anything about the azodicarbonamide being "bad" or "not bad" for anyone. I don't know who you're debating with other then straw men.
Really I am questioning why you wrote the 100% certain comment. From how I read it it made no sense. Please elaborate.
Hey, I'm a PhD in chemistry at one of the best schools in the US. Always is remarkably appropriate here, whether or not you cringe at the word. I cannot think of a single chemical that if a solitary molecule was administered would prove fatal. Hence, it is all in the dose.
Can we please fix this huge inaccuracy? Azodicarbonamide is a blowing agent (used to lower the density of rubbers or whatever material by creating bubbles) because it can easily lose N2 at higher temperatures. That's why it's in your shoes and yoga mats, for the bubbles. It's used in dough because it improves the…
I dunno, us canadians are known for our machismo...