
Are the pillows vegan or filled with feathers?


Whenever your friends suggest an activity that requires a lot of money being spent, suggest something else. If they want to go to a night club, suggest a movie night at home. If they want to go to a ball game, suggest a nice nature hike instead. If they want to go on a trip abroad, suggest spending a long weekend in

I dunno, “Battle of the Bastards” sounds like a Monster Truck Rally gimmick

i snorted at this

lol. I love it when people make it so easy to see what their problem really is. The other day I was listening to a podcast in which a white woman said “Hamilton” is shit and used Eminem as her example for what a technically proficient rapper should sound like. Like maybe make your bias a little less obvious, guys.

I don’t believe it, but I find the conspiracy theory that Trump is a Clinton plant to be endlessly amusing b/c it makes me more comfortable than reality.

He’s outclassed. Guy won’t even hire oppo researchers or a rapid response team, meanwhile Clinton’s got in-house polling, the best oppo team in politics, a pretty great media shop, and a ground game already set up in every swing state. And she learned from (and hired most of) the Obama data analytics team. Trump

God, it just reeks of privilege and fucking idiocy...I just can’t with people. If you wanna watch the goddamned world burn, you must be one of the privileged to have a fireproof suit...

I love Chrissy Teigen so much.

Why are we assuming the woman is the victim? Because she was unconscious. She was completely passive. He on the other hand, was the active party in the assault. No matter how drunk he was, he still chose to assault her. He was spotted by eyewitnesses assaulting her, and when he was confronted by them, he had enough

I feel like this plus his father's letter should be used as textbook examples of rape culture and how it persists.

It sounds like he is surrounded by a bunch of asshole enablers who have always told him he can do no wrong. So shocking that he ended up as a remorseless rapist.

Probs couldn’t get into Stanford on merit, methinks.

What the hell is wrong with every person in convicted rapist, Brock Turner’s life?

“Rape on campuses isn’t always because people are rapists.”

Women be shopping.