
Sometimes my mom has to go to events where he is at. I want nothing more than to be her date so I can say something to his face. Pretty sure she would kill me...but maybe it would be worth it.

Don’t forget that it’s sometimes worse than Beijing! GO UTAH!!!!

THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. everyone needs to vote. in EVERY ELECTION. but then when you look at Utah, there are just a couple of really small pockets where people aren’t crazy right wing religious nuts. Most areas of Salt Lake and Park City are more liberal, but then factor in the rest of the state and it’s no wonder we

UTAH. come. on. It is pretty much impossible to defend you anymore. I need to get out of this place.

Where did you see/read/learn that mormons abort if there is a potential defect? I have never heard that before, in my experience (family members, friends, etc.) most mormons will carry their babies to term...

but look at how much Utah cares about education. :(

he is the WORST. the worst. I seriously have fantasized about what I would say to his face if I ever saw him in real life.

there are literally five other things I can think of that we should be discussing in Utah besides this. NUMBER ONE is our filthy air quality, I don’t know if you have seen pictures of the Salt Lake valley in the winter, but good lord. It is disgusting. I am in school working on my teaching licensure, and there is no

I KNOW. Lane did not deserve that. Zach suuuuuuuucks.

thank you for posting this. my life just got one bajillion times better.


shoulder time aka parrot cat. it is the one of the only times she is nice to me.

samesies. It is so good, and he gets so embarrassed by it sometimes. I love it.


nope. my art brain thought that too.

OMG why is that not already a thing?

I mean, who doesn’t want Bruce to love them?

you mean “take to twitter”

God that vine is a thing of beauty. I can’t look away from it.

Haha no way! I wonder how many more of us are out there.