
ha! thank you for posting this. Still prefer Brad Neely’s interpretation...but this was still a good read.

All I have ever wanted in life is a Harry Potter themed party. I should show you my arm...haha I have a whole potter sleeve.

Ha. It's from Father of the Bride part two. All the talk of how to pronounce Saint made me think of when Martin Short and BD Wong start singing party pooper to Steve Martins character, whose last name is Banks. And they say it Baah-aanks.

I like them because they are made in the USA, which is a pretty big deal to me. I like the looks of a lot of the other boots that are mentioned in this thread, some a bit more, but most of them are made in China. So I think that is what the hype is about with LL Bean.

WUT?! So much WUT. Please universe let this happen.

Saw this first on my LOVELY local news site. Don’t read the comments unless you want to be even more filled with rage. Or do. I can’t help myself. I read through them all and get really freaked out about who my neighbors are. It is shocking that a state that claims it is so full of family values and love is also so

Telllllllll me about it. I felt like I had a chance but then he went and married someone. Someone really close to my age. So maybe I do still have that chance?? Sorry boyf. You understand, right??

I always wanted to get baptized after seeing my friends go through with it. But mostly because I thought it would be cool to get to wear cloths in a little pool. My mom had stopped going to church for a while and told me it was my decision. I knew even then that it would upset her if I went through with it. I'm so

Topping off my wine and raising my glass to my mother. Thank you for leaving the church and not allowing me to baptized. Thank you for seeing this church for what it really is so so long ago. I am constantly embarrassed and disgusted that I live in the same state and city as the people who are running the church. Utah

Yasssssssss. having worked for American apparel for a pretty decent chunk of my life I can truly say this makes me SO happy. God that place was weird enough without the crazy shit he was doing. I can't believe they didn't find a way to kick his ass out of the company long ago.

😬 daww. Thanks!!!

It’s not bad at all! It’s super quick and just feels like when you peel a dry bit of your lip off. Gross visual, I know. But that’s the closest thing I can compare it to!

I haven't even watched the preview yet and I am already crying.