
The Bears have owned themselves...does McCarthy get credit when his opponents trip over their own dicks?

I hope these guys are sending a cut of their checks to Rodgers because he’s the only reason they have jobs in GB. He has effectively hid their incompetence for almost a decade.

Over the last 25 years, with two of the top 10 QBs to ever play, they’ve closed the deal the same number of times as this guy all by himself

Lifelong Packers fans here. Noone in the Packers camp would make those arguments.

Only because McCarthy has had one of the greatest QBs ever. The guy is a poor head coach and a terrible playcaller.

Uhhh ... every Packer fan is excited about these moves. Seriously, I’d rather miss the playoffs and force these moves so that we don’t keep wasting Rodgers, than limp into the playoff yet again.

This. A thousand times this. And I say that as a fan of the other team on the field that day.

I lost all respect for McCarthy years ago when he blamed a playoff loss on a mistake by a special teamer rather than his own late game play-calling cowardice.

What’s doubly sickening about the play is how goddamn ROUTINE it was. Shazier, going in for a tackle like he has hundreds of times. Only takes one time to go horribly, horribly wrong. I hope for his speedy recovery.

It’s only going to keep getting worse

It’s AFC North football, it’s smashmouth, it’s brutal, it’s old school.

Like I said in the earlier thread, a decade from now the league will likely sue whoever wants to include footage from this game in the inevitable documentary on “why the NFL died.”

I started this season hating the arbitrariness of the college targeting rule. By the end of the college season, having watched enough NFL games, I’m fully on board with the college targeting rule.

I completely agree that Gronk was worse, but this was also really bad. For me, it was more that we got both of these cases in two days than which one was worse.

Juju’s hit was dirty as hell, and the taunting was childish - though it couldn’t have happened to a more deserving guy - but Gronk’s infraction came well after the play. IMO the hit on Brown’s touchdown was worse because Burfict wasn’t defenseless.

There was a moment when the commentary flat out stated that they did not know what it now took to get ejected from the game which hit on such a truth to me.

I’ll bet thd asshole sheriff will cite her because the sticker “blocks line of sight and is a driving hazard”.

she did exactly what i would have done. good on her. fuck nehls that piece of shit with a badge.

All Cops Are Bad