
I don’t think you’ve got the measure of how the NFL owners see the problem with Goodell though, and as such your whole fancy-pants words filled train of logic is just ... light years off.

This is why confirmation hearings are so important. It gives the people making the decision the chance to meet the person face to face and get a whiff of his fingers.

I’ll bet fucking in a hayloft is a lot like fucking on the beach or in the shower. Way better in theory than in reality.

“this new dialogue in america upsets my way of life and thinking, i better get drunk and rant on facebook”

it would seem that the downside risk of bringing in someone new would be very low.

I really hope that you are just articulating the red herrings, cherry-picking, and false equivalences that pervade the thinking patterns of institutional money managers (and, apparently, NFL owners) rather than agreeing with their approach. Every time I am reminded of decision-making processes like this I have to

I had to unfortunately cancel the newsletter. it was difficult getting things hot off the presses.

Just get an indemnity clause. Then it doesn’t matter if you are personally liable.

I an intrigued by your volcano policy and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

I think it’s a mistake to see this as anything more than Jones trying to blow up the salary cap/revenue sharing model of the NFL.


31 owners and Mark Davis.


the arguments against Goodell are reasonable, and solid. If the owners do move against him, I wouldn’t complain.

The owners appear to be turning into institutional investors.

I’m not sure they will get the money back....they had the choice to put him on IR and allow him to have surgery or waive him. They opted to waive him to avoid the cost of his surgery. Plus they definitely put him through a physical and had access to all of his medical, how was this not disclosed?

So, wait a minute here. How is Bennett at once “faking the injury”, and yet also he somehow ”failed to inform the Packers about the severity of the injury”? Am I missing something here, or is that right?

It’s interesting seeing Packers go for the moral high ground here. They cut the guy so they wouldn’t be saddled with his salary. I don’t think they get a say in what he does after you cut him.

Don’t blame him at all. Teams don’t hesitate for a single instant to quit on a player in the middle of a contract.