
I honestly wonder how much of ESPN’s recent actions against Jemele Hill are partially motivated by ESPN trying to undercut the MESPN/too liberal narrative that some anti-ESPN conservative outlets (Clay Travis, FS1) are pushing.

God, I hope your [sic] proud of yourself for posting the most obvious, stupid pun imaginable.

I honestly wonder how much of ESPN’s recent actions against Jemele Hill are partially motivated by ESPN trying to undercut the MESPN/too liberal narrative that some anti-ESPN conservative outlets (Clay Travis, FS1) are pushing.

This is craven, cowardly bullshit. This is executives panicking that MAGA chuds will cancel their subscriptions (the only cords they cut are made of wood). Fucking shame on ESPN.

This is now the second time in a month that ESPN has fallen on its face while trying to discipline one of its biggest personalities for daring to talk politics on Twitter.

Yeah. That look. Know it well. It’s their signature trademark.

This. He is literally talking about policy — a bill she introduced — and she clutches her pearls like it was a personal attack. I think her line was prepared, by the way, and she awkwardly delivered it without waiting for a personal attack to actually happen.

I can think of a few off the top of my head.

Do you mean like “Will no one ride me of this meddlesome priest?”? 

Curt Schilling attacked the President for being Black. Jemele pointed out that Trump says that the Nazis have “good folks” among them. Burn the witch!

I was being flip and didn’t really make my point.

Not really- no one tried to make new law- but it does show a cavalier attitude to the principle behind it. 

Look at that- you can put together an entire sentence with only a small amount of profanity.

For Hill, this was, more or less, a one-time thing. Admittingly, I don’t follow Hill closely, but I don’t think she calls out the White House or Trump as being racist’s often.

Hill made comments about an individual while Schilling’s comments- however one chooses to see them- targeted specific groups of people based on creed, color and personal identity.

It was a lifetime achievement award for Schilling, he wasn’t fired for his first, second, or four hundredth vile meme tweet. Also, and this is something that’s been pissing me off recently, both sides aren’t equally correct and deserving of the same respect. Hill is an intelligent person and her Tweet is either the

Besides what others have pointed out, one of ESPN’s stated corporate values is inclusion. Schilling’s anti-trans retweets are undeniably anti-inclusion, Hill’s tweets aren’t (unless you think one dude who happens to be POTUS is a class of people).

My take:

Exactly this, one guy tweeted out offensive nonsense about whole swaths of people based on race, religion political affiliation, etc. Hill said something about a specific individual, based on supporting evidence.

A government official calling for the firing of a U.S citizen for political speech?