
I much prefer Thoreau for lecturing.

Now playing

Here is another MLK speech they won’t like, on federal subsidies for white land.

I think that Clay Travis has a very valid point - being a white supremacist is as bad as being a pedophile.

That was funny. I hate that so few people can pick up on context clues that you felt the need to put it in the quote box to keep idiots from taking it seriously.

Mowins has talent, Rex is a fucking disaster at every turn. I think Mowins does way better with someone who isn’t a complete clown.

And for that terrible combination of Beth Mowins and Rex Ryan during last night’s MNF game. Both of them may be knowledgeable about football, but Beth has a very harsh, nasal voice and Rex is a dull monotone.

Some of my best friends are children!

Falsely equating what Jemele said (which was immediately followed by a company statement and apology) vs. all the crap Schilling pulled and bragged about before they finally pulled the plug doesn’t make for a very strong argument. I don’t remember Jemele tweeting out pictures calling for the lynching of journalists,

‘The Other America’ is in a similar vein:

He’s saying there are many, many, MANY white people who quote Dr. King, but they only quote his Kumbaya stuff at black people in an effort to get black people to shut up and love racism away in silence.

If they actually cared about (ending) racism they’d read his other works and listen to his other speeches and stop

No, but using the oft-quoted parts of “I have a dream” to pat themselves on the back while ignoring his less convenient speeches is an easy, self-serving way to act not racist but be complicit in structural racism. It reduces MLK to a mascot.

He’s saying people who claim to not be white supremacists, but still think Colin Kaepernick should keep quiet, or claim they ‘believe in his cause, but not the way he’s doing it’ are just as complicit in white supremacy as those people carrying swastikas in white power rallies. Or those ‘allies’ who claim they oppose

Just so I’m clear, you’re saying that people who quote/reference MLK’s “I have a dream” speech, but don’t quote/reference another particular speech of his, are white supremacists?

“HOW DARE YOU??? I know in my heart I’m not a pedophile. In fact, you mention the 5 children I molested, but not the hundreds of children I’ve encountered in my life that I did not molest. How can you be so close-minded? I thought you liberals were supposed to be tolerant. If you ask me, you’re the real pedophiles.”

Calling someone a white supremacist simply because they embolden and espouse white supremacist ideals is like calling someone a pedophile simply because they sexually molest children.

People hate Britt McHenry so much that she came out on the losing end of an argument with a towing company.

I love the “What if I said the same thing about Obama?” crowd.

There’s that “liberal bias” I keep hearing about at ESPN. Luckily, we have heroes like Clay Travis and Britt McHenry to defend to good name of Preside...sorry, can’t finish, vomiting out of my eyes.

Yes, based on your scientific analysis of some viral photos taken in summer heat waves during historically bad losing streaks. The notion that 49er fans are based primarily in the city of San Francisco is laughable. In terms of numbers, a bigger chunk of their fans come from the cities and suburbs of the Peninsula

49ers management deserves all the shit being flung toward it.