
You’re spot on, but I would add that there’s a structural reason for this inability to get past the flim-flammery. The mainstream media has been capable of pointing out that certain of Trump’s assertions were patently absurd and unsupported by the facts. When Trump accused Obama of tapping his phones during the

Spot on. Stories are not ultimately neutral- a good reporter presents both sides, and FACT CHECKS both of them and then relays said facts alongside the arguments.

There were times where even someone like Walter Cronkite had to express his opinion, such as on the Vietnam War. Journalism isn’t based around “objective” versus “subjective,” not good journalism.

“As for the social media checking, If an editor can’t detect overt bias in a reporter’s story, without having to rely on their social media posts, they’re not doing their job correctly.”

It’s nothing short of inhumane, in my view, to expect a first-generation Mexican-American journalist who might have undocumented family members to write “objectively” about the Trump administration’s various plans to spend untold billions building a wall, or unleashing a militarized police force to round up immigrants

The problem with mainstream media is they confuse objectivity with neutrality. Objectivity is an adherence to the facts, no matter where they may lead. But they operate under the notion that everyone is allowed to have their own facts and must be given equal time.

Always bothers me when someone is called out for a slip-up on porns. Borders on kink shaming IMO.

I wish people cared as much about their news being factual as they do about appeasing all sides.

The average Trump voter has a higher annual income than Hillary supporters, and the same or greater level of education.

Well, not any information, just the depth of information they asked for. The commission has existed long before Trump came along and turned it into a 3-ring circus of voter disenfrachisement. It’s purpose was to do all sorts of analytics about elections for the purposes of making sure they are well run and whatnot.

What’s with it is that ranch dressing is fucking delicious and goes well with everything!

I assumed he did it to ensure he doesn’t get drafted by the Browns or Bengals.

On the one hand, it’s Ohio State, so fuck ‘em. There is no other hand.

My first reaction regarding this complaint about the Wests was to wonder if trying to address that concern (trying to make them seem less like ‘dark skinned white people’) could accidentally tip over into stereotyping. But (not being black) I’m obviously not going to notice the small moments that make the writing of

Yeah, and this to me is where the good wife excelled. When the writers simply presented the way things are, and the apathy of white people. It allowed the audience to say, “huh that’s fucked up” But when they tried to comment on it, the BLM episode, or wrote characters of color, particularly black characters( that

I’m pretty sure Cary was supposed to be the epitome of an obnoxious bro, so there’s that. What made me think of the show was the last season(s?) where Alicia is banished to bond court and discovers, presumably along with much of the white middle-class audience, that absolutely nothing about the ground floor of the

Don’t apologize for another person. But maybe recognize that your life is easier because of horrible acts committed by racists.
Recognizing is a start, talking about it is better, giving some of that privilege back is a real start.

You didn’t miss anything after giving up on OITNB after Poussey’s death. It completely went off the rails and got super boring at the same time.

Yes. And while it’s been easy for these people (except Trump) to do things like condemn neo Nazis, they are speaking the same way about BLM. And they are still supporting a militaristic police force that poses a threat to minorities, and voting for people who want to take voting rights away and end free and public

The Good Wife.