
This was quite a solid coke-rant. I’ll bet he didn’t pause to take a breath the entire time.

I read the whole article and giggle the whole time imagining the Scarface-esque pile of cocaine he MUST have had his face in the whole time.

Al Swearengen is the fucking Picasso of cursing. This drip of tit spittle is little more than a feeble cocked vulgarian.

At least al had the balls to actually shoot someone face to face.

Jesus, he’s like a character on Deadwood. This is literally exactly how Al Swearengen talks.

Of course. The ratings slide is likely due to a combination of factors, which makes headlines like “Anthem protests led poll of reasons viewers tuned out” all the more frustrating. Sure, it’s *technically* correct, but without knowing more about the survey, I’m not sure how much we can really glean from that data.

Also worth noting, people are terrible at self-reporting reasons for behavior change. A better read is probably that a lot of NFL viewers didn’t like the National Anthem protests, and no one really knows if that dislike changed their viewing behavior.

I’ve lived in both places (don’t ask, it was a weird internship/career path) and the differences felt arbritrary as far as weaker outside of maybe more daylight. Racism in Minneapolis was worse too but that’s another thing.

Dude, please don’t Minnesotasplain to me. I used to live there—I’ve even been to Duluth, which is a lovely town. And Duluth has no relevance to this conversation: even if Kyrie moved to Minnesota, you and I both know he’d never get within 100 miles of Duluth.

No, it depends on the city. Because a city like Duluth, Minnesota (seen in Fargo) has more average Snowfall than Cleveland and bigger snow storms per Snowfall.

Amazing thing’re wrong! Per Wiki (I know, but I couldn’t find relevant government data and I’m in a hurry), Minneapolis gets 54" of snow a year and Cleveland gets 68". To top it off, it rains more in Cleveland, too.

The payoff is really what makes this story great.

The leadup to Klay’s next contract is going to be very interesting. He’s the one guy who I think is going to want more of his own than the Warriors are able to, or willing to, provide. I think the way that both team and player handle the media game is going to be quite telling.

A few years ago, my December flight from Minnesota was delayed due to snowstorms. Southwest didn’t pay for any transportation or overnight hotels, so I did the only thing I could: jog back to my hotel in the dead of night in the middle of the snow storm. Although it was called a storm, I didn’t mind the soft

A third person can still ease the tensions between two leaders by being an oaf/source of laughter and/or punching bag. I’m pretty sure making fun of Frye is what made Love feel like he was finally one of the guys. Not really making the argument that this is the case in this particular situation, just pointing out that

In terms of virtually everything that isn’t temperature, Minneapolis is a far better city than Cleveland.

I think its simple, He feels he is one of the best at his craft and his talents can travel anywhere, especially if hes not really feeling Coach Lebron, why not ball out in Miami or NY

I’d take Minnesota winters over Cleveland winters. Obviously both are horrible, but at least it’s sunny in Minnesota. Also, it doesn’t snow that much (certainly a lot less than it does in Cleveland).

As someone who lived in Minnesota for 8 years (yea, fuck me), there is no place more miserably cold in the winters (and I grew up in Wisconsin). But hey, the skywalks around Target Center are pretty legit if you’re into that sorta thing.