
From the few accounts indie devs have published about it, it seems to lean more on the ‘yes’ side.

decline in base game sales 12 months following their addition [to the service].

Crash 4 is another big one for me as well. Although wanna play through the whole trilogy also. Good call on Diablo 4. I bought it to play with friends, and though I have fond memories of D2 back in the day, ultimately Diablo 4 is such an unbelievably shallow video game. I got so bored by the end.

On a side note

Anything you are waiting for? Spyro and Tony Hawk remasters are calling my name.

And they would have been calling her a Mary Sue if she pulled it off. But I would argue its not a botched reference if people are still get the reference. Like a reference doesn’t have to be an exact replica. 

The encumbrance is even more hilarious because the game goes one step further and actively discourages you from picking up everything by physically injuring your character.

Except we have facts saying one thing and only your guess work saying another thing. Like jezuz Brian, do you always find it this hard to acknowledge facts that are not in your favour?

Also do you even know what inflation is? You understand inflation is companies passing on potential losses to you to maintain profit.

Personal taste is what it is. Sorry it was boring to you, I had a lot of fun, and enjoyed probably 80% of everything I played over 100+ hours. My gentlest of recommendations is to just quit while you’re ahead. If a game is boring 20 hours in, the next 20 hours probably won’t turn it around. Personally I do find that

Actually Sony did publish the numbers. There is a Verge article from August 2021 you can look up if the link is broken in this reply, it includes a link to the numbers Sony published. In any case, the other guy was right. They raised the price to secure the profit gains they had already made, not because they were

It’s really not silly, the original PS5 looked hideous. I was holding out for the slim. I’m glad this is smaller but I still think it looks terrible. But at least it will fit my TV unit. But truly I was hoping for something even smaller than this. Hoping some case mod will come along to shave just a little more off

My recommendation is just dont do it. There isn’t any reason to. All the perks are just convenience. Almost everything can be got in other ways, so only if you want the convenience of perfectly modding any gun to your liking for example. But you’ll find that gun, especially if you turn up the difficulty. But the game

I mean if you just play main/faction quests you level up far faster than anything else, you also make much more money, all while doing much more interesting content. I think I played pretty free form up until level 21, then I plowed into the main quest right till its end point, did UC Vangaurd, UC Sysdef, that one

Although that said, with the recent news that Bob Iger is under pressure to expand Disney’s gaming footprint, maybe its a good little test bed. A little reach out to Limited Run and MS, I’m sure they could put something together.

Maybe if MS wasn’t making deals to keep COD everywhere it would be a stronger case. But even without that this only elevates them to 3rd place in the games market, and doesn’t elevate them at all in the console market (where they remain in third place). That’s a pretty hard sell, basically all the points you would use

library quality problems.

I think their relationship seems favourable these days. But the big issue with any Japanese company acquisition is that from a legal point of view it is much more difficult than buying an American or European company.

I would like it more in the vein of the new Wolfensteins, but either way would be a delight.

I really think COD could benefit from being on a two year cycle. Both for MS as a publisher and for COD as a franchise. Because I think milking more microtransactions can be more profitable in year 2 if content is still being made and the game is not abandoned. And also from a studio point of view Activision has

The sort of fantasy drafts your mind can come up with looking at this list. Like I see Space Quest and I think, Dontnod have partnered with Xbox before. New Space Quest made by Dontnod, god I would be in. That reminds me, need to remove Spyro and Crash off my wishlists. Cannot wait to play those when they come to Game

Over 100 hours in and I actually havn’t had two of those options. I’ve had a couple repeats, but I’ve had quite a variety too.