
That is a big complaint over at jezebel on the soft sexism post. Men well meaning or not immediately start to empathize and someone jumps in to say, "IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU".

Yeah, try that with potholes.

Your post. It's full of win.

Misty watercolor meeemorieeeees

It's overdone, but - Miata.

Way off base. Should be pointing me to a hopped up wagon, not a Viper.

Das Racist is the thinking man's LMFAO.

Can someone add the Volkswagen Phaeton W12?

In 2003 I went for a test drive in a Mini Cooper S. My brother-in-law turned to me and said, "you can afford this". At 4% the loan was a good deal and paying it off established my credit rating.

Panamera spy shot circa 1960s?

And if you're a gemini, well you can expect the unexpected.


We're about 5'6-7'' both and didn't have a problem. It helped to research it on the forums. The harder part was the stroller. I usually default to having the non-baby seat down. There are strollers that do fit, but they're expensive. For a small car it has fit a heck of a lot more than I'd ever expected.

Mini Cooper works fine with just one kid.

I mean if you're transporting something taller than a wagon, but otherwise...

Layne Meyer's Camaro in Better off Dead

It's not a cameo if the Black Lambo was half the reason twelve year old me rented it in the first place.

Guess so

So you're interested in giving "gay" back?

I beg to disagree. My Texas friends tell me that Oklahoma is the reason Texas doesn't fall into the Gulf of Mexico.