
Part of what you're calling "PRICE GOUGING" is a product of the 25 million uninsured that end up going to the emergency room. I can't walk into Target and demand items from their shelves and then not pay but I can walk into an ER with a medical emergency and expect care.**

You are incorrect sir.

Inherited a '77 Sunbird in brown, the "Turd Coupe" with aftermarket louvers on the back. Grandpa always had Pontiacs. Tempests, convertible Trans Am etc.

Alden straight tip cordovan blucher. There, you're done.

Pffft, it's not like they're Giant Squid overlords.

Why don't you just throw us frostbiters a bone?

In a city besieged by swarms of law breaking bikers the Chief of Police is forced to enlist the help of a rogue 26 year old driver...

I'd head straight for the Henry Hudson toll plaza and stop right at the toll booth.

Now playing

Which reminds me of this. (shameless plug for friend's band)

Yeah, that's not gonna make it far below the frost line.

Kind of a race to the bottom with these two, but let me add the wife's two cents.

Depends on the child. But it's the round the clock nature of the care that wears you down. Breast feeding does not magically transpire for everyone and post-partum depression is real. Throw in fears about SIDS and any number of rational or irrational fears and it can be a rough time.

Pretty thin story, the Post is just serving up something to appeal to their grumpy outer-borough constituents who want to smoke in the comfort of their own air conditioned cars.

So you're saying DC was into bike share's before it was cool.

You wouldn't get rid of your snazzy bike, but many people like myself will use it in lieu of a cab, bus or walking. The city is building out a biking infrastructure. The more people who use it, the more the culture can be changed to make biking accepted and safer for you and everyone else on two wheels.

Yes, technology can change lanes, but clearly it's no Hugo the Talking Yugo.

Waterwitch 48