mackie junior

I didn't really find it that funny at the time it aired, but every time I rewatch the episode, I love Dwight's roast of Michael more and more.

Pinsky was reported as saying, "fuck y'all, all of y'all; if y'all don't like me, blow me."

The A.V. Club
Here to feed-bag your hater short-hand

But he will never be the little dancing man

You fool! It's a massive government conspiracy! …or have they gotten to you too?

The man's never watched an episode of New Girl in his life.



This is such a Swartzwelder-y joke; change the names to not be Simpsons characters and it sounds like it was ripped straight out of Army Man. I love it.

"I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL KILL ALL OF YOU! ESPECIALLY THOSE OF YOU IN THE JURY!" has to be one of my all-time favorite lines

The A.V. Club
Stops well short of incest

@avclub-bca3531762af8a993c4f60c48fd5e33b:disqus You're totally right (as in, your sarcasm is well placed) in a historical context. In the current US political culture though, I'd much rather just say "I'm on the left" as a basic summary of my beliefs than group myself with a bunch of people who think voting for Obama

I used to classify myself as a liberal until I realized that a huge portion of "liberals" are horribly racist, sexist, homophobic and transphobic and just use their voting history as a way of shielding themselves from criticism. Now I just say I'm on the left. Liberals are gross.

They're the same calendar.

LL Casual R

dadboner has rendered me incapable of seeing a bottle of Bud Light Platinum without audibly referring to it as a BL 'Num, you guys.

Leonid What's-his-name, Herman Munster motorcade