mackie junior

One of my absolute favorite jokes in the whole series.

I'm not sure that there's many fans of this band on this site, but I saw The Fall Of Troy on their farewell tour. One of my favorite songs by them was The Circus That Has Brought Us Back To These Nights and in the numerous times I had seen them, they had never played that song. That night, I heard Thomas Erak start

This. Season 2 isn't quite as strong as 3-8 in my opinion, but there's still some truly great episodes in it (The Way We Was and Oh Brother Where Art Thou come to mind), and Lisa's Substitute in particular is in my all-time top three. "You are Lisa Simpson" is one of two times that the show made me tear up (the other

I always thought it was "you've got your problems
I've got my asswipe
You've got your big cheese
I've got my hash pipe"

I don't know what the diarrhea baseball song is but the idea of Weezer ripping it off is making me giggle like an idiot at work and my officemate is looking at me weird and I can't explain why I'm laughing because "just thinkin' about the time Weezer ripped off the ol' diarrhea baseball song" sounds certifiably insane

Hey, go fuck yourself. :)

When I was 14, my AIM away message was "I've become so NUMB/I can't feel you THERE/I've become so TIRED/So much more AWARE", with that stupid capitalization and everything, red italic text on black background. Yuck.

Also, "Me Vs Maradona Vs Elvis" by Brand New

Given that this is probably my least favorite episode from the golden era (which, in my opinion, is seasons 3-8), I can't disagree with this guy's grade. Granted, his specific criticisms are as stupid as any SNPP review, but I've always found this episode to be really meh.

Christ, I can't believe I had to dive this deep into the comments to see a mention of The Shape Of Punk To Come.

Burn Piano Island, Burn is one of my top picks for this as well. I think Crimes is also a contender, with Feed Me To The Forest into Trash Flavored Trash.

"Hold on, I'm scared of the radiation"

Return from Wentz you came

It's true, but Swartzwelder is truly the king of old-timey.

Oh, shut up.

I know. Hence, the whole "Well, I don't know what I was expecting" part

I know. Hence, the whole "Well, I don't know what I was expecting" part

The Newswire has gone rogue and is imprisoning him as a gelatinous blob, showing him celebrity news but not allowing him to comment. He thinks to himself, "I have no articles and I must snark."

The Newswire has gone rogue and is imprisoning him as a gelatinous blob, showing him celebrity news but not allowing him to comment. He thinks to himself, "I have no articles and I must snark."

*clicks link to YouTube video*
*closes tab*
Well, I don't know what I was expecting