mackie junior

In Chicago, pizza is a casserole.

Chiming in here to recommend Super Mash Bros. They're like a more whimsical version of Girl Talk. All three of their albums are great IMO; this is the first track from their first album and it should give you a pretty good idea of what they're about.…

When Grindhouse came out I think I was 18, and I thought the trailers were the best part of the whole thing (and I really liked it as a whole, and still do). When I recently rewatched it, I didn't find them nearly as funny for the most part, but I will never not laugh at the "…it's blood." "Son of a BITCH" exchange in

Reminds me of this video of some lost soul who had someone sing Crazy Bitch as a wedding song. Pay attention to the bemused dad who briefly earmuffs his kid.…

I didn't know Patrick Bateman was a NOFX fan

My favorite part happens immediately after Nigel keeps folding it; Ian is trying so hard to keep his cool but is very near his breaking point and asks, with the most thinly-veiled exasperation in his voice, "why would you keep folding it?"

And who could forget Pardon My Zinger

This is the name of a serial killer if I've ever heard one.

The Fight is one of my all time favorite episodes of any show, and Eagleton has one of the best endings to an episode I've ever seen, and Media Blitz has "WHO HASN'T HAD GAY THOUGHTS?!"

From the handful of interviews I've read/seen with him, he's always seemed like a very cool, kind, down to earth person. Glad to hear confirmation of this.

I'm gonna be totally honest, and I don't think I'm alone here: I only learned of the Falklands because of Krusty The Klown's poor judgement in which reruns to air.

Sinatra really did call the shots for all those guys.

I forget if Letterman was in on the thing or not, but even if he was, "I'm sorry you couldn't be here tonight" is one of my favorite one-liners ever and I'm glad I'm Still Here happened if only so that I could have that line in my life.

You know, WE TV turned into a hardcore sex channel so gradually, I didn't even notice.

Iggy And The Stooges - "Search And Destroy"

Toadies - "Possum Kingdom"

Big Black - "Kerosene"