mackie junior

According to the commentary, they had a lot of trouble getting Flea to read his lines without adding the word "fuck" to them

You're supposed to type in all caps when you do a ZMF impression

You're supposed to type in all caps when you do a ZMF impression

If this were a public poll, Lebowski would beat the other Coen films, but knowing the AVC editors, I'd bet on Fargo beating it.

If this were a public poll, Lebowski would beat the other Coen films, but knowing the AVC editors, I'd bet on Fargo beating it.

Dreyfuss and Sideshow Bob: United in hatred against rakes

Dreyfuss and Sideshow Bob: United in hatred against rakes

"I have always thought the mob scenes on the Simpsons were of poor quality"

"I have always thought the mob scenes on the Simpsons were of poor quality"

Nice strawman.

Nice strawman.

Pretty much what it sounds like; disparaging women for having sex or engaging in sexual activities or dressing in "provocative" clothing or violating any other bullshit patriarchal norm dictating how a woman "should" act. (I'm very sure there's a better definition than the one I just provided; Google it.)

Pretty much what it sounds like; disparaging women for having sex or engaging in sexual activities or dressing in "provocative" clothing or violating any other bullshit patriarchal norm dictating how a woman "should" act. (I'm very sure there's a better definition than the one I just provided; Google it.)

Except Saddlesore Galactica.

Except Saddlesore Galactica.

"Even though we ain't got money, I'm so in love with you, honey, and every day will bring a chain of love. In the morning when I rise, bring a OH FUCK"

"Even though we ain't got money, I'm so in love with you, honey, and every day will bring a chain of love. In the morning when I rise, bring a OH FUCK"

I can appreciate golf while sober, but when I'm really tanked, I just get pissed off at how slow and tranquil it is. I want them to start hitting each other or launch a ball into the crowd and knock someone out.

I can appreciate golf while sober, but when I'm really tanked, I just get pissed off at how slow and tranquil it is. I want them to start hitting each other or launch a ball into the crowd and knock someone out.

All Valley Commenting abbreviates to AVC. How terribly appropriate.