mackie junior

All Valley Commenting abbreviates to AVC. How terribly appropriate.

Is that your reaction to GeoGreg's post or is that a suggestion for a name

Is that your reaction to GeoGreg's post or is that a suggestion for a name



Dinkin flicka.

Dinkin flicka.

What a cromulently masturbatory vocabulary.

What a cromulently masturbatory vocabulary.

About a year ago I watched this episode on DVD and it somehow the first time I ever caught the "Put your sperm in our hands" sign gag. I had to rewind it because I was in shock that 1. I had never noticed it before and (more significantly) 2. even for The Simpsons (and Fox in general), that was unusually raunchy.

About a year ago I watched this episode on DVD and it somehow the first time I ever caught the "Put your sperm in our hands" sign gag. I had to rewind it because I was in shock that 1. I had never noticed it before and (more significantly) 2. even for The Simpsons (and Fox in general), that was unusually raunchy.

The frisking scene took all of five seconds. How would he have swiped the lucky cig and replaced the rest of the pack that quickly?

"Somebody doesn't like the way I've been spending my spare time."

And let's not forget the bowl of oranges when Ted bumped his noodle.

For real, fantastic episode, and THAT LAST SCENE OH MY GOD THAT LAST SCENE is just about the creepiest, most intense few minutes of television I've ever seen.

The first scene between Walt and Walt Jr… holy shit.

If you said Marvin Monroe and Bleeding Gums Murphy, then you are wrong! They were never popular.

The above clip is the first time I've actually listened to any of it.

Successful Thursties.