mackie junior

Call me crazy
But I thought this was one of the weaker Parks & Rec episodes. Probably the worst this season. Maybe I was jaded from the horrible Office episode that preceded it, but I thought this was a really lackluster episode; certainly not up to par with last week's amazing episode.

Sealab 2021
Wasn't there an episode that consisted entirely of an exterior shot of Sealab with dialogue over it? It's been probably seven years or so since I've seen it, but I swear I remember seeing something like that.

I'm a part-time furniture delivery guy
and one time I delivered a set of bedding to a woman who I think was mentally disturbed. Her walls were totally covered in crosses and religious portraits (if you played Heavy Rain, you know that one apartment with all the crosses? Yeah, sorta like that), and then she spent 15…

If you're into the physical/spatial representation of Daria and not the underlying messages or ideas therein…

had one of my favorite quotes in one of the first three episodes. I can't remember what it was, but I found it very inspirational.

Goddamnit, that movie still creeps me out. Very, very few movies are able to do that to me.

For as long as I've been reading My Year Of Flops, this sounds like one of the most unwatchable ones. I'm kind of in awe. I couldn't even get through the clips embedded in the article, for Christ's sake.