Mackenzie Fraser

I will only like except this of R.E.M. also releases an album of Radiohead covers

The R.E.M. that appears on screen at the end has me intrigued. Is that just some computer jargon I don't know?

so so so so wrong.

Felicia Day as Batgirl?

Matt Reeves is pretty great too and Patty Jenkins interests me. Whedon is probably the one with the best and most promising body of work behind him especially the way his shoes and movies show an understanding of genre and it's potential.

He may not be the greatest visual stylist but his work with actors is impeccable and that is a huge part of directing. To write him off seems unfair. Besides, I'm sure most of the action will be handle by second unit directors anyway.

Correct. Thank you for the clarification.

I thought it was "dressed like a bat"

Infinity Stones and Thanos are basically Marvel's riff on Kirby's Darkseid-centric Fourth World stuff.

That really him and that's really Kenny Loggins too.

No Cities to Love is some great shit

Thundercat's 'Drunk' is on constant repeat in my house.

I literally said almost exactly this on Twitter. I know it used to be a thing.

This is an article that has good analysis presented in a humorous way. This isn't a far out theory though. I posted Cracked's article because it seem perhaps more accessible than the WSJ article I also posted. There are many other sources of film analysis that agree with this theory. Google and I'm sure you can find

She hasn't met me yet.

It's pretty boldly there and easily read. I mean, I don't agree with almost anything it actually says but it's clearly there.

It's a fantasy endorsement of the Bush administration with the Joker standing in for terrorism (a new kind of threat responding to the new power of Batman that fights for a cause and not personal gain) and Batman and Gordon standing in for Bush and co. who are unable to deal with this new threat while staying within

See, I think they are mostly constructed around their political subtext. The fact that TDK manages to work on the narrative, thematic and subtextual levels with each layer reinforcing each other is what makes it brilliant.