Mackenzie Fraser

I fully agree. This entire thing is a BS smokescreen. However, those people who have been duped by this seem to think that a film not liking their candidate of choice or actively speaking against him or her means the film is terrible both artistically and morally which makes no sense to me (not to mention… how would

Didn't you hear? Trump brought it back. He saved Christmas forever! *music starts and white people dance badly*

At least their protests are so stupid that nothing will ever come of them.

So much whining. You don't have to agree with a film's politics to like it. I still love TDK despite it being a fairly clear pro-Bush allegory. These people should probably stop being such a thin skinned Pissbabies. Also, maybe actually do some research.

"F Nein" (it's set in Germany)

In all fairness, it says "more white and evil." It lists them as two separate things and not too things that are dependant on each other. It's pretty hard to argue that Jennifer Lawrence isn't white as hell.

Good call on Dunkirk. I love the stillness of each frame and the creeping dread of the ticking clock. Maximum effect from minimalism. So good.

I found Luke Cage way more drawn out and boring. I'm not even sure it had a plot. It was really good for that one prison episode (although they really wussed out by softening his backstory) and the rest was pure drudgery. Not to mention the way that just as the villain was getting interesting, they got rid of him and

The second season of Daredevil was inconsistent but better than the first DD season and Luke Cage for me. Jessica Jones is my favourite of the lot. I thought that it had the best villain, the best pacing and the most control over its thematic material and its subtext.

It really is the weakest of Marvel's Netflix shows.

It is perhaps worth noting that this was more of a symptom of the New Hollywood of the 70's and the dominance of method acting during that time, a method that tends to focus the actor on themselves and their character and not on making connections and finding moments with their scene partners. The established

That's fair. You don't have to like it.

I agree with you mostly. When it comes to traditional mainstream narrative films it all needs to work at the story level first.

So you don't like any metaphors or only metaphors that work better on a thematic than narrative level?

I thought it was an awesome stripped down character-centric 70's style thriller. I really liked it.

So, apparently someone liked Snow White and the Huntsman and the Alice movies.

My family denies their native heritage with a fury bordering on insanity. Fair point.

So she's a Vietnamese-American White Supremacist? Why would you do that? That's even weirder than poor people voting for economic policies that work against their own best interests.

I don't even have the words.

Fair enough. I do have to admit that I find it hard to stomach the idea of a comedy (even a pitch black one) that begins with a rape. I mean, I was going to see it regardless because… Verhoven, but this disparity in interpretations makes me much more curious.