Mackenzie Fraser

I haven't seen Elle yet (some how I missed there was a new Verhoven film in Calgary) but I think there is a solid arguement for the Martian being a comedy. I mean, it's main goal isn't gut laughs, but there are enough consistent laughs throughout that it is clearly A goal of the film. Maybe "dramadey" is a better

The nonchalant approach to violence in the first few episodes hasn't really worked for me. The way that Metallo is seemingly killed twice and no one blinks kind of bothered me. Just like Alex in the bar, those two moments felt completely tone deaf to me.

Sorry, I don't buy it. I'll give you the first shot in the video (a shot that really sticks out and doesn't quite work in A.I.) but the others seem like someone stretching.

So this is Harvey Weinstein right? Her boyfriend would be Robert Rodriguez and the film he sold to them would be Grindhouse?

Pacific Rim was weak as is The Strain, but Crimson Peak was some pretty great gothic romantic horror.

Of course it's company policy never to imply ownership in the case of a dildo. Always use the indefinite article 'a' dildo. Never 'your' dildo.

It's amazing how little emotion/giving a shit is generated by that title. This show is a terrible idea. I'm probably gonna watch it.

They exist. As does Betrayal, as pointed out below. I agree the idea hasn't taken the mainstream by storm, but it's out there.

Such a great play.

What about Irreversible or Memento?

What's with the blowing material stuff attached to the signal? It looks like the beginning of a Gene Kelly dance number which, of course, means I'm totally into theirs photo.

One of my favourite soundtrack of recent-ish years is Shutter Island which used mid-20th century art music ("classical" music). It all worked wonderfully. Maybe the solution is to either use no temp track or to just use pre-existing music.

This is one of my biggest pet peeves - the idea that being memorable is what scores should strive for. This is the equivalent of saying that a song on the radio is good because it is 'catchy.' You could argue that that is somehow indicative of something musically satisfying happening, but we all know that there are

Mario 64!!! (The extra exclamation marks are to denote the extra amount of truth)

Ugh. An auto runner? Please no.

I like it because it is a better term than 'tween' which is just the worst and it feels less technical (and kind of icky) than prepubescent. It's also easier than saying 10-12 year-olds which is awkward.

If I never really cared about her, am I part of the backlash? He honestly never even came up on my radar and I was shocked to see how outraged people were.

Harsh but possibly true.

And so begineth the shit storm.

This is the point where I admit that there is still a teenager deep inside of me that likes Evanesence.