Mackenzie Fraser

Any film that encourages communication, understanding and cooperation over aggression is okay in my books. Super excited for this.

The comparison to other comedy directors in that video really drives home the point of how great his work is.

I think he tells great stories, but they're often written off because he makes comedies that tend to be reference heavy. People seem to forget that comedy is hard (like really hard), that he uses his references intelligently to both make comment on the genre of the film and to help reinforce the themes at play in

I'm not a Redditor, but this feels vaguely like an insult. Is this an insult?

Edgar Wright is actually kind of a next level genius. His films are full of delightful visuals, but also great character work and some actually really deep themes and subtext. The fact that you can't get past the surface level is a shame. This article about THE WORLD'S END by Film Crit Hulk is a great place to start

Just make a sequel to the last reboot. It was essentially a remake of the first three anyway and left him in his most iconic state. Just make a Jason film and don't worry too much about continuity. Snow does sound fun though.

"Stuck in the Middle with You" and Reservoir Dogs.

This seems very much like the Canadian radio/occasional TV show THE DEBATERS.

Are you talking about the needle drops? I think those may be way more on the studio and their interference/meddling after that trailer scored to… Queen I think? I'm hearing stories of two completely different cuts that were mashed together to create the uneven and disappointing experience that apparently currently

The second season really dipped in quality sadly. I prefer Supergirl myself, but we'll see what happened to that show with the network change.

Isn't DCEU (DC Extended Universe) the term used by WB?

But that means acknowledging Arrow and I'd prefer not to do that if at all possible.

Berlantiverse is what I call it. Seems better than the DCCWU.

Apple Music is their music streaming service. iTunes still exists.

The trailer for what???

Oh how quickly we forget Extreme Ghostbusters…

We actually don't have pennies any more.

He will be a teacher at the school. That's my guess.

iZombie is great at this.

The first movie that I always think of when some mentions Burton is Edward Scissor Hands. Such a perfect encapsulation of all things Burton.