Mackenzie Fraser

Same place he was last season…

Marvel does have the Captain Marvel film coming out between Infinity War films (the first of which will introduce her).

There are a lot of Montreal bands that have that sound. If you listen to enough of them, it starts to come off as a little generic. I think they may also be the victim of over hype. I didn't come to them until Neon Bible by which time they were being called "the greatest band in the world" by some. That's a lot to

I have to say that I disagree with most of these although I do agree about Arcade Fire. They just never did it for me.

In all fairness, Cap wasn't anti-drone. He was anti-preemptive strikes. He was against the surveilance state, essentially.

I believe I was actually talking about the divisive nature of the term and the foolishness of using it while promoting a film (something he himself must have realized as evidenced by his flurry of tweets). I never said that everything else he said is invalid. It wasn't even a long comment, man and/or woman. Trying

He lost all credibility when he started writing for AICN years ago. You're right though, that's such a divisive term that he should have known better than to use it. Fucking tool.

I agree that Hollywood and marketing tend to dehumanized and objectify women. This is apparent, to me, in the recent trend towards having people's backs turned to the camera in posters (a trend which seems to now he ebbing away now). The Joker for TDK and the most recent American Godzilla film are the two that are

I doubt he will. He's a really talented guy that has gotten fucked over a bunch. He left Daredevil for The Martian and then The Martian for Sinister Six which died on the vine. So, for the last three projects he's been associated with, he haven't really had the involvement he hoped for (four if you count Daredevil). I

I'm sure there's some contractual obligation as he is technically the creator of the Daredevil show despite having limited actual involvement. His executive producer credit is probably a "producer in name only" kind of thing.

Hellfire/Heaven's Light is the greatest piece of music appearing in any Disney film ever. Period.

I'm pretty sure that Goddard is a producer in name only due to his initial attachment to Daredevil. I doubt he'll have any actual input as his departure was not exactly amicable from what I understand.

Except that the imagery is very evocative of a woman performing oral sex. I mean, it's also just very Spider-man-y but the subtext is, possibly unintentionally, there.

Isn't Berlanti himself making a Booster Gold and Blue Beetle movie?

Only in the broadest of strokes, really. And they are making a Booster Gold movie. It's a Booster Gold and Blue Beetle film. It's being written and directed by Berlanti.

It was Joy Ride.

There are far too many shows. I'm trying to keep up with iZombie, The 100, Flash, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl, Better Call Saul, Horace and Pete, Baskets and The People v. OJ Simpson. I've also got full seasons of Masters of Sex and The Knick to watch. Too many things!!!

I agree with you generally, but I feel like it could have worked for Watchmen due to its deconstructionist agenda. I am also sad that Terry Gilliam's version never happened. I'm not saying it'd be good, but it'd be interesting as hell.

The version that Paul Greengrass was cooking up looked brilliant. He updated the concept in smart ways and, to be honest, I just trust him to make smart political statements more than Snyder. The fact that it didn't work out (due to rights issues if I remember correctly) still makes me sad.

I agree. It is beautifully designed. It's also impeccably directed and wonderfully acted. However, the problem is that it completely misses the point of the material it is adapting. Heck, the very first scene where the supposedly very human Comedian is literally punching through walls and granite countertops is a