Mackenzie Fraser

If only this was actually possible. I would love if the next episode was just him saying "This won't due! Let's fix this!"

Watchmen was great despite him. The script was great, if perhaps a touch too faithful, with a better ending than the book and the cast was pretty stellar, but the way that Snyder directed it with glorifying speed ramping and slick conematography goes against the very idea of what Watchmen is about. Watchmen should

Supergirl is by far the most consistent of Bertlanti's shows. I would highly recommend watching it.

I give you the secret academic high five that old really smart people know. Good math-ing.

Fine then. Calculate it. What is it's exactly level of brilliance? My math say 7.23549. What do you get?

I loved these comic books as a teen. I thought they were pretty badass. I'm afraid to revisit them now and see if they are actually pretty good.

Koepp can produce good work when paired with someone (director or producer) who has a good sense of story. This is why he's produced good work with Spielberg and Raimi but not so much with Lucas. He's a little like Kurtzman and Orci in that way, but not quite so much.

The problem is not that CG is bad but that it is often misused. Apparently stuff like Jungle Book is pushing it into the realm of photo realism and the backgrounds of The Good Dinosaur were beautiful, but CG is still best at creating things and not creatures. That being said, I don't find CG any more noticeable than

There's actually a lot of really good CG in big movies it's just that we only notice the bad. For instance, you'd be surprised how many of the cars in Mad Max aren't actually there when you see those big masses of vehicles or how empty the road actually was during the Rogue Nation bike chase. That's not even

I loved that in this episode, Jimmy is wrestling with his natural impulse to break the rules in a world that in very rule bound while Mike is trying to follow the rules (at least his own rules) in a world that is based around breaking them.

Probably because most excellent family movies are relegated to the ghetto of Best Animated feature.

They probably nominated it because it's awesome (although not as good as the Geroge Miller directed sequel).

Skydance has put out some great stuff too like the last few Mission: Impossible films, Jack Reacher and the Coen's True Grit.

It's a high point, no doubt.

If there's one criticism I'd level at it it's that it probably didn't need 18 tracks. That being said, I like them all.

Kanye is pushing the boundaries in a much bolder way (especially with Yeezus), but Kendrick is taking traditional hip-hop and fitting it into an ambitious mould that is almost more akin to prog rock. They're both doing great things, just in different ways.

That's ridiculous. The best hip-hop album of all time is clearly To Pimp a Butterfly. :P

I kind of love this album. It's interesting in the way that it seems to sum Kanye up musically by including sample heavy production, skeletal production and conspicuous auto-tone while pushing into new lyrical territory with his rhymes often talking about his transition to being a family man and father. An awesome and

And Lucas had always planned for episodes 7, 8 and 9 although his original vision is probably very different from what we got/will get.

Not for long…