Mackenzie Fraser

There are also kids on your lawn!

I am dreading this movie so, so much. It's Spielberg so I'll be there, but I also read the book so I wanna run away from it screaming at the same time.

I've heard that reading a lot, but I don't think that's really what it's about. I'd argue that TDKR is more about how the Republicans needed to redeem themselves by running for the right non-selfish reasons and come clean in order to gain back power from the Democrats who use class politics and talk of hope to gain

And is actually the perfect way to cap off the films themes. It is pretty damn great.

It's a film with bad action direction and blandly expositional dialogue that never really makes the most of he cinematic potential of dreams while somehow still being an exciting, propulsive, cinematic work with a lot to say about filmmaking as a collaborative art and as therapy for the filmmaker with a cast that is

So the movie uses deep focus staging with a format that has a very shallow depth of field. Does this mean that there are just a bunch of actors constantly out of focus?

I'd argue that TDK has a political subtext/view point that is more than sentimental and actually fairly nuanced. I mean, I don't agree with any of the movies conclusions, but they're there and well articulated.

Ads sell movies they don't necessarily promote the idea of people emulating them. I think you are conflating two different ideas.

I always took that detail to sort of be commentary about how when fighting systems of oppression, you may have to fight those you are trying to free as they will defend the system that is oppressing them/may not even be aware of it. Of course, I don't think it was meant to literally be about shooting people, but about

It is, amongst other things

Full agreement.

Random thought - a film that might capture the essence of this dichotomy is The Matrix. All of the violence in the fantasy reality of the Matrix is heightened and awesome, but all of the deaths and violence in the real world have weight and are horrific.

Yeah, especially when you are so clearly working in a realm of fantasy like the FF films or films like Bond or John Wick. To say that such heightened films are condoning anything in the real world seems ridiculous.

I know this is a joke but I actually agree with this. He's one of the most moral and thoroughly thoughtful filmmakers out there. The man is very, very intentional with his use of violence, drugs, sexuality, etc. I love me some Marty.

You'd be surprised how many people don't get that. Also that showing something on screen isn't condoning it.

Is it just me or does he look exactly like Tim Minchin in that photo?

Why shouldn't he?

It actually wouldn't be surprising if Roland was about to dance

Sorry, I was also referring to the TV spots. Literally every joke.

I like the practice as it saves the jokes in the film for the film. I still remember going to see The Mask as a kid and realizing that I had seen literally every joke in the film already.