
I have a Golf R that has this nav system, but I still use Waze and Google Maps too. Waze has so many quirks though, and since it’s heavily reliant upon reports from other users, it can lead to really frustrating experiences.

If it’s just us, seems like an awful waste of space.”
Carl Sagan

I have been facebook free for, oh, three of four years.

I want a webseries that is just Lady Olena, Varys, and Tyrion sitting around a table riffing and trading barbs for an hour.

...and yet we all understood what the author meant!

The only problem is that it’s absurdly hot in Nebraska and Kansas in normal years.

Quit memorizing the Scrabble dictionary..... :D

Posted this on Odeck the other day, copy pasting here.

The original iTunes software worked pretty straightforwardly and was simple to use. Put CD in- identifies CD. Rip. Sync to iPod. Done.

But can you write your own drivers?

Did you ever notice there is only one brand that kinja omits the actual price on... I’ll save you the click and post the spoiler below...

Did you ever notice there is only one brand that kinja omits the actual price on... I’ll save you the click and post

What is the point of a review when you haven’t actually reviewed anything?

Looks kinda heavy but i wonder how stable it is. I don’t think it would do well outdoors in wind.