
People do still use dictionaries, admittedly not as often these days but still, They could have opted for a far more mundane title. I recall reading a tutorial on fake-book making, and the two titles they used were “Old Kentucky Forester” and “The Tree Knows.”

People do still use dictionaries, admittedly not as often these days but still, They could have opted for a far more

The secret to a great rum & coke is to leave out the soda.

There is no cure for the Boogie Woogie Influenza

Everyone I know has or recently had a nagging cough that lasted months, myself included.

Sure, you just need to find bottles you can fit a cat into

When I open Messages I don’t see any arrow icons, all I see is Edit, a search bar, a new message icon, and a list of contacts. How do I get to the section where I turn off automatic App add for Messages?

I don’t mind logging in. It’s the perpetual re-logging that drives me nuts.

Aren’t most cable nets still only broadcasting in 1080i? Seems like 4K could be a waaaaays off for them.

Tiny House seems like a cool idea for the first 20 minutes or so. I imagine the lack of change of scenery, combined with getting sick of transforming your couch into an uncomfortable bed, would quickly grow wearisome.

You give me too much credit: I wasn’t making a point, just trying (and failing) to be funny.

And I suppose you’re ok with them not casting an actual raccoon in GotG?

I could see the reason for Swinton’s casting being that she is such a unique presence and they felt she would be a really creative twist for the role, but I’m not really hearing that, at least not strongly enough. Ignore the criticism, make the movie you want to make, try to be sensitive with insensitive material as

The corollary to this is, if your sweet puppy bites another dog, provide your info to the other owner. Even if you know your dog is fine, the vet will need proof your dog is up to date on shots, etc. Doing this may spare the wounded beastie unnecessary care and the owner (or you, if it’s your fault) unnecessary

Yeah I’ve never used cases but the 6+ is like a greased pig without one.

Is this really an elliptical if it hasn’t any handlebars though? The pedal motion looks to be circular as well.

Is this really an elliptical if it hasn’t any handlebars though? The pedal motion looks to be circular as well.

Even better if you brown them with an UN-healthy amount of butter...

It just worked for me at 1:30pm EST

It just worked for me at 1:30pm EST

An adapter was necessary for 3rd party headphones from Day 1 of the iPhone’s existence. If you just plugged them in you would get this massive “whump-whump-whump” sound along with your audio.

It’s not a removal of choice, there are still plenty of phones, including iPhones, bearing the jack. This represents a choice for those looking to give up the jack in exchange for the marginal decrease in size (or whatever the thinking was for this decision).

The problem is not the rule itself, it’s consensus about what the actual rule is. Like playing a boardgame at a friend’s house where you don’t win money landing on Free Parking. The airlines themselves need to post their policy on seatback positioning to settle disputes, because we cannot all play nice together.