That Guy

Couldn’t extort Blizz for money eh? Blizz wisely saved money and let all their youtubers and streamers do all their advertising. lol Your a little late to the party Kotaku writers.

Its called viral marketing.....Get a clue! Sony is doing this on purpose.

Yo, your like a week late. By the time people seeing this article login they wont know what the hell is going on. If you wanna be a legit game news site/writer you gotta stay up to date with all the big games. Not half assing it.

Nothing new here, they literally just followed in EAWare’s footsteps with SWTOR and their cash shop. The only people that get the “cool new gear” are the rich whales that keep swtor alive while the rest of the players have to grind their butts off to keep up with the high in game money prices. Most of the complainers

Real military dont use this Oscar Mike crap...I should know...I served in the Army with an infantry unit in Iraq.

Its called capitalism and american business.....they steal what you make and profit of of it. This article is stretching the guys claim a bit though.

People are assholes by definition..You will never fix this. If you can’t deal, get off the internet.1

I have no intentions of playing dumbass go. I am not missing life in any fashion.

no wonder they delayed it, jeebus.

I enjoyed Infinite, but it was not as good as Bioshock 1. That being said, I loved the twist at the end of infinite.

Make me an offer i can’t refuse and you’d get my vote. :)

well said.

How about zero parties.

Oh this will be said. Sooo many times a day. Just wait and see..

They let the girls play slut on cam because it makes money.

They don’t do 1 to 1 because it makes them more money that way. This has been a retail trick for centuries.

Notice Blizz only does things like this outside of the US. Guess they feel they already have NA wrapped around their finger and they don’t even have to try anymore here.

Console players are lucky to be even getting mods.

Cultivating a game community that is already run by fans doesn’t make Bethesda they aren’t going to invest time and effort into policing the community.

xbone sales only fell behind ps4 because sony had a better games lineup at the start of the new generation. PS4 also launched first. Sony won that years E3 marketing campaign. That said it looks like MS just won this years E3 sales pitch so expect more xbone sales this year over PS4.