lol thats too funny. Windows will never die out as everyone knows how to use it and businesses keep buying it. If that ever changes then windows will go away.
lol thats too funny. Windows will never die out as everyone knows how to use it and businesses keep buying it. If that ever changes then windows will go away.
“yeah, I noticed that so few developers anymore are willing to accept the ‘exclusive’ contracts with a platform, because it makes no fucking sense.”
Stop being a stupid hooman and realize not everyone likes the same things you do. You don’t speak for everyone.
I run win 10 and have no problems with it. I don’t have anything to hide from the gov’t either. Get a clue and grow up.
Microsoft has to make their money just like any company. I don’t care if MS only puts its exclusives on win 10 store or steam. As long as prices remain fair, it doesn’t matter. Its MS property so they get to decide how to distribute. I would do the same thing if I was the MS owner. Haters gonna hate no matter what you…
Eventually, yes even xbone’s will be left behind.
Since you were foolish enough to shout this all over the internet, don’t be surprised when EA finds a way to get this shutdown.
My D’Va lust approves of this...
lol people actually thought this game would go gold on time, let alone be able to live up to the hype. ahahaahahhahaa
Jeebus I can’t help myself put love the D’va’s.
Without realizing it you just called him/her a basic bitch. lol
Hahaha, called it and saying it again. This game will suck and not live up to the hype.
“So I should be the ideal target audience for a movie like Warcraft.” People need to erase this from their minds. Hollywood doesn’t make the movies for the fans. They make them for the non-fans, because they know the fans will already spend the money because they love the IP. Hollywood makes the movie super basic so…
This is what I said right when they showed Cassie. Going full circle back to another old school Tomb Raider. lol
Uncharted 4 was never meant to be the last game in the series, just the last game in the Nathan Drake era. Trust me, after about a 5 year break there will be more Uncharted with new characters.
No, this is admitting defeat. Gearbox is supposed to be a top level studio. This is desperation on their attempt because they have such low concurrent players numbers on all platforms. I’ve been suspecting for a few years now that dev’s are getting paid for high concurrent players metrics.
It doesn’t feel like Borderlands, its like a really bad and hollow Borderlands.
Early adopters always pay more.
So Battleborn already admits to being the lesser game as we already knew. lmao
Its not a leak when the companies marketing team releases a pic on the internet...surely your not this stupid. Oh wait your a “journalist”. lol