That Guy

If they are pulling Pirates....that means one thing. A remake/remaster or new entry is coming soon.

A smart man would whoo the hello kitty lady. She’s secretly naughty. All hello kitty girls are wild.

I fucking hate poor people. Especially dirty poor people. - Osteen

Amen brother. I’m will agree that radical catholics are just as much of a terrorist as radical muslims or any other faith. Radical is radical. Being white or christian means nothing, its not a free pass to kill, brainwash and be an asshole to people.

Why are people surprised that he is a fake priest? He preaches but wears fancy expensive clothes and has a massive “church”. Thats the first sign of a fake. He is just in it for the control and money. Just like so many other church people, corrupt. If your religious you can stay home to pray or whatever. Smart people

Not true. I haven’t put money into HS since year one. I’m totally F2P now for years. I can make good decks with at least four or five of the classes in standard and wild.

I love how people like you think the Druid always has UI in hand at every turn. It may feel that way sometimes but thats not the reality and your distorting how good the card is and the fact that you have to draw it before it does anything for you AND the fact that fast minion decks can just race you before you even

Wow it must have taken you like five minutes to whip this article up. That all druid S tier pic just got put up the other day. Its also a joke just like Reynads meta tier list. It hasn’t been accurate in like six months or more.

So your saying you will pay up if I make the DLC for launch day but hold it back two months. LMAO. Think about your words for a second.

The funny part is the DLC was already done and because EA fucked it up again they will just bury it and pretend it never happened. Everyone that worked on MEA probably got fired already.

Hate should not be protected by free speech. Your twisting the free speech for your purposes. Free speech amendments are about the gov’t cant kill/imprison people for talking bad about them. Its not about letting hateful people shout their bullshit. Its been okay to punch a nazi since...well....WW2. These white

Hateful people are never justified in anything they do especially violence. We have to get rid of these people once and for all or else they will keep making trouble in an otherwise peaceful society. If we just appease them like the world did Hitler then WW2 will repeat. Put them down now before they get strong enough

Police can’t do anything until violence starts. Thats what the police in the area did. It shouldn’t be that way but thats the law. I am all in favor of hate groups should be dismantled/jailed/killed. We dont need hate spewers in society.

You underestimate how stupid and crazy people are. Especially the under educated and those raised by parents that were hateful.

Your right. We should be shooting to kill these people. I volunteer as tribute. I put foot to ass in Iraq. I have zero issues putting bullets in hateful asshats in the country I swore to protect. If any of these people show up in my area....its gonna be a bad day for them.

Money is money to a corporation. Morals need not apply.

Okaaaaay then, lol. The Red Pill can’t understand that science has proven how all this works. lmao. Vaginal fluid controls men. ROFL.

You missed the part where it said she didn’t do anything but spend a man’s money that he worked hard for. Yes the whole post is just an irrational mess like the person that wrote it because it contradicts itself with a woman MUST produce babies. LMAO Like you said she would be draining society if she had babies which

You dont go prepared for a gang war and you cant have civil debate because those that preach hate are by nature violent. They do crazy stunts to get the attention they want but dont deserve. You have to ignore them enough that they see their violent acts either have real consequences, they go to prison or die, or you

Looks like a regular compound bow to me. /shrug.