Lt. Major Asshole

We treat the US dairy farmers like shit because that’s what they are. We have regulations and laws here in Canada that ban the use of growth hormones in dairy farms, because it effects the humans that eventually consume the dairy products. The USA does not ban the use of growth hormones in dairy, so when an American

The worst dictators in history did exactly what Donald Trump and his administration are doing right now - the people who committed mass torture and genocide and enslaved people. The people who are read about in text books while readers shake their heads and wonder how they were able to obtain and maintain power and

ESPN needs to boot Mark Jackson into the sun and give Doris the microphone.

It’s going to start happening more and more to white people because they didn’t speak up when it was happening to black people. Just like the opioid crisis.

When I left Mississippi, I thought I would never have to see that evil scarecrow’s face again, but he is.

That Milwaukee Police Department officer is a criminal. That one too. and that one and that one.....

That’s really interesting how the first cop tries to deescalate shit around 4:30 on, but the fucking machine is in motion and all these other cops are getting in his face like they can smell blood. Oh yeah, AND they ended up blocking all the goddamn handicapped spots.

They, naturally, pick to release the cam footage in which the officer continuously tries to obstruct the view.

Fuck you for being right, and fuck our country for being wrong.

Pretty sure butter prevents diabetes.

The f*** was that Hamburgler full-body turn he did at the end?

“With the second overall pick, the Sacramento Kings select ... Goro!”

It’s the best.

This is the best Deadspin post ever, and I say that as a long-time Deadspin fanboy.


Cornhole backwards is Benghazi

It’s the southern version of “It’s the goddamn Catalina Wine Mixer!”

That’s his cornhole fightin’ shirt.

This comment was like a road trip to North Dakota, but without the minimally redeeming value of coming closer to visiting all 50 states.