Lt. Major Asshole

If you’re going to be an asshole and correct other people’s spelling EVEN WHEN YOU UNDERSTOOD WHAT THEY MEANT make sure your own spelling is impeccable. It’s TRULY not TRUELY.

I can’t be the only culturally ignorant commenter around who has wondered if Samer’s whole name was written backwards on his birth certificate as a joke. Samer, have you ever double-checked your parents’ names?

You can almost hear “Raindrops keep falling on my head...” in the background...


Yeah I wouldn’t mind Draper’s blogs appearing exclusively on Cyber Dust, where no one will ever see them.

The only good reason for the ‘backward on the back of your head’ option for sunglasses is so, if a brawl breaks out, you know exactly who to punch square in the fucking face first.

Tom Coughlin would be screaming in your face if you didn’t kick that kid at least 30 yards.

Yea, becaus when you inexplicably get away with hitting people in the dick time and time again, you should just be able to get away with it forever.

This is like if Ben Carson debated Ted Cruz. It’s a fucking trainwreck, but nobody really cares because the big, loud, insatiable clown (First Take) already came through town.

All congressman were present for the vote except newly elected Pete Carroll, who decided to pass.

... seriously... he simply wargs into a rabbit and wipes his own ass with himself. No need to be gross.

Chekhov’s wall?

Extra buck for chips? Who are you? A Saudi royal?

Everyone knows you order the bowl and get a tortilla on the side. They give you more stuff when you order the bowl and you still get the fat, carbs, and calories of the tortilla; just use it like you would bread to pick up rice ‘n kebab ‘n stuff. Fuckin’ newbs.

Slightly off topic, but not really?

agreed that this episode served mainly as set up for the rest of the season which was a bummer because the past few episodes have been so strong

Secretary Bird or GTFO.