Matt Sayer

Interesting! I’ll have to give that a look.

Saw Detention during my research, but I was focusing on mainland China, since the development scene is very different there. Looks great, though!

Still in development, but here’s the Greenlight page:

Links are in the article, too, but here you go! (Soulslayer and Detective Di are still in development, though)

Important question: Are you battling the demonic monstrosity that is the N64 controller while playing? As Brad discovered on UPF, Doom with that three-pronged nightmare is a whole other beast...

I’ve said it already, but this is awesome! Kudos to the both of you :)

Tying up services that are there to help people with real issues is not okay. Promoting this is probably not the classiest move, Kotaku.

Great stuff, guys and gals! As you’ve well justified, scoring (whether it be a number or a Yes/No) dilutes the nature of a game into a purportedly universal quantity, which games are most certainly not. Reviews are opinions, and opinions don’t need a scale! :)

While I agree that Ark’s developers could have benefited from foreshadowing these changes a little better, I don’t think that they should be held to different standards based on the popularity of their game. The Early Access label is a clear indication that the game can change significantly at any stage, for better or

Not exactly a ‘classic’, but I recently bought Cosmo’s Cosmic Adventures on GOG for my mum, and we recalled how she used to be addicted to it, back when I was a kid. We had an old AMSTRAD PC, and I can still recall the clunking and chiming that it made on every boot. Music to my childhood ears...

Thanks for the wonderful perspective, Stephen! The notion that the games press should restrain its pursuit of proper journalism for the sake of publishers is nonsense. The relationship should not be one where the publishers sit on top, dictating their portrayal. If Bethesda or Ubisoft are unhappy with the leaks Kotaku

Inverted solidarity!