innocent people... yeah that is a bit of a leap there.
innocent people... yeah that is a bit of a leap there.
Meet/Met are the keywords, I dont meet people until I am introduced and had at least a small chat. They didnt ask if she worked with him on the film, so it is possible she and him only “worked” together and did not meet. I have taken a polygraph a few times in the Navy to get/keep clearance - they are only as…
I understand your point completely. My only 2 complaints are generally about the trans portion who swap gender on how they feel today. One, if you are a genetic man, wearing womans clothing and say today I am a woman, fine. BUT tomorrow dont be mad if I call you a woman when you spent all last week telling me to call…
They will make his sister the leader in the next movie... Colon cancer is a bitch... He was reported to be a genuine and kind person always helping out the younger actors and stepping up going the extra mile... This really sucks.
Oh so you never heard of Antifa? Rioting, burning, looting, assaulting folks, and so very much more. Ultra left and Ultra right are both shit. The difference is most Republicans will say the ultra right is shit but the average democrat wont say the same about the ultra left. Seattle and Portland residence have blamed…
Can you bitch slap a certain dev team until they make another burnout game?
Biden needs to shut the fuck up, and stop sniffing motherfuckers. Dude cant speak, and is creepy as fuck. He aint right in the head and will choose someone who will end up putting him in a home. Fuck running him is damn near a Trump whitehouse for 4 more years.
No pc love?
No pc love?
Or 3d print a usb holder like I did... I have 2 of these wall ones held with double sided tape and one of these on my desk It honestly saves me so much time AND space. I like the wall mount so I keep the ones I use often close and…
Ok I am with you on switching I have been looking for awhile for a new browser, but then the list of addons I have that no longer work make it a daunting endeavor. Maybe you need to do a list of the best addons for each and what is the equivalent from one to the other. Then have an old fashioned hive 5 kind of thing fo…
So who is the go-to in the Sony vs MS war of the new console?
So who is the go-to in the Sony vs MS war of the new console? is the new link to register for the rewards. is the link to get the rewards go there to claim it
Zack they released a link to claim the rewards if you could not login
Yup was gifted that fucking junk and it burns the shit outta buns and doesnt cook the dogs unless you run them 2-3x. Ours didnt smoke but made an annoying buzzzzzz that made me think it was a repurposed alarm clock.
Yup was gifted that fucking junk and it burns the shit outta buns and doesnt cook the dogs unless you run them 2-3x.…
Now you know why team rocket keeps trying to catch him...
I joined the Us Navy, I swore this - I, (state name of enlistee), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the…
My ancestors? No bubba, my ancestors were being wiped out during the civil war. Mass murder on a scale the Nazi’s only had wet dreams about, but what I was talking about was what this country was founded on. Freedoms to express yourself, I loathe racism, I have been TARGETED by it, but I still fought for my nation and…
My comment was more about this author being ok with removal of things HE disagrees with, but will he still be ok when things he is in favor of begin to be removed by today’s cancel culture movement.
The Nazi movement started on similar movements and look at how that turned out. I clearly said I dont agree with the…