
While I’m not a Harry Potter fan, I do enjoy gaming. This is what made me ask what the fuss is all about so I read her tweets and her essay and I didn’t take it as she’s transphobic. She didn’t come across as being afraid or have hate for the trans community. I see that she did have concerns as a biological woman,

well what about 25,000 other people that complained about the piece first and the fact that’s it’s being investigated?

...despise Meghan Markle for “no reason” (we all know the reason)...

You moderators are such cowards. Doesn’t even approve comments that go against the grain or are a bit spicy. Why even have comments if all your encouraging is an echo chamber where everyone just agrees with each other?

But we were told my Dementia Joe that there was no such thing as inflation and that the economy was doing amazing! He’s STILL saying it!

oh sure, just randomly accuse someone who calls you out on your bullshit of being a predator. It’s just a weapon to you. Pathetic.

Thanks for confirming, that’s pretty much what I figured. But some people in this country pick really weird shit to get adamantly political over, regardless of identifying as red or blue. Maybe we just have the bad apples of both ends of the political spectrum out in cali, heheh. I feel like no matter what I do,

I’ve averaged under 3 years for the last twenty years, but more recently I last under two years at a job.

Joe Biden has made a political career out of flipping his beliefs. That’s a fact not opinion. Do your own research....Seems totally fine that a grown woman have remorse for having abortions when she was young. I suspect many do.

I don’t have a lot of money to buy games with. And since no one releases demos, I have no choice but to pirate them. If I like the game enough to want to keep playing it, I buy it. If not, I just delete it.

People really ought to pick on someone else.

Nah, it’s still hard to justify. It’s a Facebook post. The cops can show up to the protest and arrest people there. This is fucking ridiculous. 

These incidents are rare. Yet it is all the popular media talks about. Media does not talk about the good aspects of LEO - no money in it.

And a funny guy. His stint in SNL was a blast and I hoped to see him take more comedy roles. 

Rowling (and others) don’t take issue with trans women identifying as women. They take issue with trans women being treated as women in a biological sense.

It seems like most of the arguments in that video could be applied to the left as well. Just flip the target audience around. Alt-right groups target white, cisgender, heterosexual males. Liberal groups target non-white, LGBTQ+ men or women. Both groups have zero tolerance for opposing political views and resort to

I bet you support the anti-monopoly stuff that happened to Microsoft though, don’t you?


Ah, quite understandable. I used to buy cheaper androids but when I actually had enough money I got one that was actually a reputable brand and the quality was noticeably better. I also started to do some research into various models before buying any new ones. It takes a bit more effort to make an informed purchase

Isn’t Obama’s intervention why we’re stuck with Biden in the first place?