
If you learn a little history you will find tax payers didnt put most of any of that up. Most were private groups who raised the funds to memorialize soldiers who lost their lives. Read some of the dedication speeches. 

“So get your hate out of here.” Name one episode of the Dukes that showed hate? The flag was not an instrument of hate like the Nazi symbol, it was a battle flag of people who are actually veterans of the US military. Do I support the South’s fight in the Civil War, nope. But I respect the people right to fly that

After reading this, I asked my wife for her opinion. She said she is ashamed that she herself likes this type of erotica. I asked why, she said isnt it disturbing that I like stories about being forced to submit and do whatever that person wants of me? Frankly I said yes because I know she has a history of being

Isnt that 16 or younger? 17 year old-18 were screwed. 

I worked with several major convention centers and sports arenas in Texas, Austin, Houston, San Antonio and the Alamodome- and most of the stages are pre-fab units that are stackable, adjustable and just need leveling when put in place. We had iirc 10 different sizes of the mobile stages. We had them up to 10 high at

It wont let me install it on my shield tv 2017 pro edition from google play. You will have to sideload it. I am still waiting on my 2019 pro edition to arrive, when it comes I will check it.

Some people are so small, petty and sad that they actively look for things to bother them instead of making their own lives better. Kudos to you for not seeing the bs. 

What people like you and the author are neglecting is that many new studies have shown the covid-19 virus is far more widespread then previously thought, and it is no where near as lethal as previously thought. It is now more common then the flu, and the flu kills more people. I know you will refuse to believe me or

#1 tip DONT PLAY. It is the same as GTA same asshole griefers all over the place combined with the assholes cheating and riding a fucking bear that mauls you it is a joke. 

Just maybe look at the insane shipping charges from some of the sites. $22 shipping for a 2.4lb knife set. Thru USPS too... At that rate it is far cheaper to get it on Amazon! 

Just maybe look at the insane shipping charges from some of the sites. $22 shipping for a 2.4lb knife set. Thru USPS

Naw the ACLU will take the case and the expulsion will be removed, like they did for the girl who was kicked outta school for shooting a target the range provided of a black dude. They will say it happened outside of the scope of the schools influence and they cannot punish you for non-targeted shit you do on your

There are three timelines being thrown around one in late October with patient zero and two more with it being mid to late November being the release date of the virus.

Now several news sites including reuters and bbc are saying that it is probable that while it is a natural virus it was accidently released and

I dont care for how it looks in general, but the pics make it look like the buttons and d-pad are almost flush with the controller. Then add in that it is still re-chargable bothers me, to replace the dead battery in the last 2 gen were an act of god level pain in the ass. I would rather have old school AA batteries

The only thing that I found to be overly shit, is the age for child credit. I have the same costs as my neighbor, but my son is 17 so no credit. I still pay for all his care and he is disabled with severe autism/aspergers/mood disorder so I have extra costs but was told we wont get shit for him. 

This is one of the very rare times I disagree, if you are going to a place with that level of soggieness in a pizza than you eat in. It will never be as good as fresh with that much fluids on it. I have lived in Chicago and ate the “drowned” mess of a deepdish and it is fine for what it is, but a true pizza is rolled

Admittedly he hasnt handled this well, but what exactly have you done to improve any part of the situation? Blogging about it? I am on 3 immune suppressants (humira, methotrexate and prednisone) and am still out helping where I can, yet I see more bloggers and press throwing stones whilst living in their glass houses. 

Correct, and that is unless Pelosi kills it going to happen Friday. The real problem is all the people who put their money on reloadable cards instead of direct deposit. That will slow the money to thousands who need it most. Realistically mailed checks take time to print, package and mail then transit time. Other

Protip people are missing farmers markets - most towns have a few, and if you show up early you can get a ton of fresher than the market goods with almost no people. Was at one Friday morning 6:30am 2 whole people there shopping and 40+ venders then later in the day they were sold out.