
What do you do with a shit ton of gift cards from places you will NEVER shop at?

Claire, I take the turkey from the freezer to an ice bath in a 5g bucket, then outside to “defrost”. Then after it is defrosted, I hose it off outside and if I do a rub, I dry the turkey. I find many commercial birds have a slimy coat that not only feels odd, but makes the rub fall off. My kitchen is far too small to

Everything on your list could be overlooked EXCEPT the lack of dual shock controllers. With that we could illegally modify it to play other games, but no sony dropped the ball hard on that.

Just cancel the damn thing already - I am so tired of the bullshit, I dont give a flying rats ass about figure skating or any of the other Winter games just like I dont give a fuck about any of the summer games. It just clutters the damn tv for weeks, with ONE guy at work being super gungho about it talking non-stop. 

#1 remember this is a mmorpg meaning you SHOULD interact with people. Since you are either A)Fun to be around or B)Popular enough to draw people, you have additional help in the game. Neither are to be ashamed of, or are negative in any way. When I was in WOW all the time with a massive guild even an offhand comment

During the last election I had 17 total text messages from the Beto campaign. Unsolicited, unwanted and replied each time to remove me from ALL election, campaign and political texts. I ended up reporting them for fcc violations since they claimed I was a registered Democrat. Now used to travel 15-20 days out of the

HA! My mom is sold out of a white panel van so there!

Do people get invite codes to share? If so I would like one 

Did anything ever come out of her other 2 allegations against people? One a stuntman when she was around 12 and a producer or director a few years later... 

Damn people like you are the problem - the I am willing to pay X for X if it is fair... but then we may as well have cable again for $250 a month. Tired of everything else wanting to nickel and dime me.

Yea, exactly my point - they offered her 2 plea deals one was a fine+4 years probation then the district attorney offered her 2 years probation because the office felt this was going to be a major fucking issue in the press. Instead she turned them both down and took her chance at a jury trial. No one went full on ape

Ok did you bother to check the plea deal offered? She was offered 2 years probation and ZERO jail time for the crime. So do not act like she was both innocent and railroaded into jail time. Her attorney said she refused 2 plea deals offered to her BOTH included no jail time, and she said no to both understanding that

My dog does not like my wife’s cat. He is a well behaved dog, but when the cat pissed him off, he will take the cat by the back of the neck and carry her outside thru the doggy door. Just plops the cat on the ground like fucker go away. Best damn dog I have ever had. 

What the hell man, no classic cartoons on the list? No How the Grinch Stole Christmas!?, A Charlie Brown Christmas, or Frosty? I HATE A Christmas story and Home Alone both are highly overrated.

For your comment on Wind River - I HAVE lived on a reservation in Montana - I can attest that many of the things portrayed are 100% true. Crime, meth, and extreme stupidity are common with the younger members. Same with Thunderheart with Val Kilmer - They have no jobs, no education, no chance locally to better

They would catch less shit in the news if they went with Johnny Manziel over Kap. 

You missed the BIGGEST ebay trick use a service that searches for commonly misspelled versions of what you are looking for. I got a few good games like FF7 still in its polywrap for $3 because of a typo Finel Fantasy 7 and the totally awesome X-men vs Street Fighter it was labeled steet fighter and xmens... $11

IIRC This is the book that tied the inhumans, humans, and mutants together isnt it? 

Fucking plea deal? He should get 25 to life for attempted murder - it was a premeditated act, he collaborated with others, giving conspiracy to commit murder, then did it over state lines, AND the little fucking prick has done it multiple times before. Put the needle in his arm and show that this shit isnt going to be

Now, I keep salt in a grinder - BUT this is not to keep fresh or other such nonsense. My grinder has 8 settings, allowing me to put pebble sized salt into the grinder and have 8 separately sized salts dispensed without having to purchase 8 different salts. I use fine almost powdery salt on some things that I want the