
Now if the kill NattyLight people will riot lmao personally I dont care for most beer. When I drink I prefer to drink, when I want glorified water, I drink water. A nice whiskey to sip or a clean vodka is all I need. Most of my friends waaay back in highschool drank nattylight or pbr, bitter beer that takes forever to

Thank you for trying to be a better person than the assholes that are attacking you. As both a veteran of the US Navy, and a Republican, I thank you for being a normal human being and not a complete fucking asshole like most of the commenters on the Gawker sites (yes I know Univision owns it now, but it still has the

knee to crotch... yea that game is not gonna end well.

As a LONG time resident in the areas that these fires are hitting - I can tell you the a big reason we are seeing these fires so much more. The idiots that run California stopped several practices that allowed citizens to harvest fallen wood in the state forestry lands. This used to have thousands of people going in

I have had similar issues but only at one dealership - Mac Haik Dodge in Temple Texas - they had a car that I had been hunting for about a year or so. I called them and they had it available so I drove down, I knew the market price, their asking price, and I had pre-approved financing with my bank for 10% over the

I simply dont care for the generally well known formula - the bimbo dies, the poc dies, lets all separate, and do the stupidest shit possible. The Shining was a great film, and I enjoyed it - but it didnt scare me like my friends were, but Halloween, and Nightmare on Elm Street were just so dumb to me. 99% of it

Gita, I dont know - I certainly define scam as misleading someone into purchasing their product. By deliberately placing images of a much better product, but giving a lower res version certainly qualifies. The knew they could not meet the production of reason X, for the original product, then in its place put in a

Did you read the WHO report? It said the Doctors themselves were under attack and wanted to be evac’d to a safer area. They were being SHOT at by both sides in the conflicts. They are treating a massively infectious deadly disease in a warzone, and frankly if they say they arent safe enough to do the job, I will take

Tell you what, come here to right outside Fort Hood Texas, look at the 15-30 strains of flu the soldiers bring from the 30 nations they are deployed to, then tell me how the flu vaccine works. Some areas sure they work but in an area where the vaccine is a usa mix only it doesnt do squat. We have some of the worst flu

So in your opinion which is better this Elite card by Silicon Power or the Samsung deal from this weekend? 

So in your opinion which is better this Elite card by Silicon Power or the Samsung deal from this weekend? 

Exactly, you need an id in most states for identification legally... Texas REQUIRES you to have a way of proving your identity. You cant open a bank account, get a job, buy alcohol, cash a check, rent a car, get a hotel room or soooo many other things without one. This seems just like a thing for Democrats to bitch

Yea but one brand is the one that your finger pokes thru... The other is sandpaper... Both are shitty.

I 100% understand your point, but many books leave the non-main characters generic enough to allow them to connect to nearly anyone. I am Native American - and they are difficult to find in a modern book without horrendous cultural overtones that border on the racist.

Now most of the authors I read, they finish the

Lets be honest, they are changing hardware to stop the piracy that is about to start due to the exploits becoming common knowledge.

I have the older software - Collectorz Collection - they have a movie, music, comic, book and game version I think. Mine is the older version that you had to buy a scanner to scan the upc code into it, but I hear the new version uses your phone. Have you compared the two? 

I didnt get it, nor my wife, but both my kids in class got it. All in the same town in Texas. Weird as hell, that a mandatory alert missed so many people. 

Codex is good, have you read Jim Butchers Steampunk series? The Cinder Spires is pretty good so far with one book of the set released. I would LOVE a good version of his Dresden files to get a tv rework by anyone but siffy. 

Now my wife gets a hickey if I kiss her neck strongly - not sucking for more than a second. She bruises VERY easily so occasionally she will go in at 40 with a small hickey... I hug her too strongly and she looks abused. Our Calahoula dog has left BIG feet shaped bruised on her.

How do you feel about our justice systems presumption of innocence, with the burden of proof on the accuser having to prove that an event happened?

Right now everyone is losing their shit over this because it is political. I see it as did he do it, or did he not do it. With the evidence presented, I could NOT vote him

For me this is not Republican vs Democrat, this is straight up case of did he do it or not. The burden of proving guilt in this country is on the accuser, she made an allegation that he sexually assaulted her. She named at least 5 people who could verify her claims. Yet even her “close” friend who was said to be her