
Bullshit, most of the major blogs have all said the same thing I have, it wasnt they were pro-Trump, they simply hated Clinton more. They are so tired of seeing the Democratic party cheat other potentially better suited people out of the nomination and fucked themselves. Hillary came of as a stuck up asshole in many

I think part of the problem is the new “TV” age. Damn near every tv is set to absurd levels of color, while films tend to go for realism. For instance the Airport scene, as someone who has spent more than my share of time in them, noticed the colors are what my eyes actually see when at an airport. You tend to have

I joined in 1997, where I found the President to be lackluster in his treatment of the military. I was in the snafu that overbooked jobs massively so I was moved from job to job like a floater. I joined as an O/S trained for it, yet never did the job one day. Immediately after boot, I was sent to school for my

I did a similar thing with the potatoes, BUT I used a vacuum sealer after cooking I drained the liquid carefully using a TINY hole in the bag. Then I re-sealed the bag. Then I used a rolling pin to pre-mash the potatoes in the nicely confined bag. THEN I used my beaters to finish and fluff. Very few lumps this way but

I couldnt agree more. All you see now in the news is outrage over this and that. And most are crap, small time bullshit, but the public IS getting tired of hearing it constantly especially when it most of it hasnt been serious. This is driving off the moderates on BOTH sides leaving only the polar opposites. Everyone

I use Facebook Lite. It performs better than the default app, and has messenger rolled in - then less notifications too.

I did almost 2 hours of cold smoke and it dried it too much. Next time I am going to serve as is - it was awesome before the smoker, the smoker added a great taste but took too much moisture. You will have to trail and error it, if I were to do it again I would check after an hour. I assumed cold smoke would be less

I lol’d Gawker Media is still very much alive... Notice “Trump supporters are mad, generally. Social media suggests they’re fundamentally unhappy people.“ Yet, over 61,610,484 people voted for him. Liberal logic says most of them are unhappy - show me the math.

I am with you on this one - a Tech site should stick with

and the enviro-nuts would shit themselves if a tanker containing wastewater was in an accident...

Yea kids CAN be loud, it is to be expected at times. The problem is when parents dont give a fuck and let them run around like animals. If I catch my kids acting like morons they will regret it for awhile. I have no problem with a neighbor walking up like an adult and letting me know if my child was a problem on the

So if you look at this story closely with all the pictures of the home and area, the trailer doesnt look too bad. It is kept clean, and up against his home so it doesnt interfere with public access, he said in an interview when he parks it he waits until there is no traffic so he can get it in and out without

The kind that has reasoning skills and intelligence. We just dont belong.

Raspberri Pie emulator station table with nes, snes, genesis and joystick controllers 5k games $100 and upgradeable.

Lets cut the real bullshit, we need to stop the African-American, Hispanic-American talk, and focus on what is important. AMERICANS. Quit adding to the divide, stop focus on hyphenating who we are, it just adds emphasis on separation instead of unification.

That was one of the things that was said by Trump. All

Ok, forcing the country as a whole to actually enforce our OWN immigration policy is bad how? I see “Xenophobia” tossed around alot, but Trump has repeatedly said he has no problem with immigration, he just wants it done LEGALLY. Like most people’s ancestors did. I am just under 1/2 native american, but my “white”

Remember this is STILL a Gawker company site in everything but name now. Expect rancid support of liberalism despite the facts. You cant feed these people facts they are hand fed on lies since birth.

Exactly he was the lesser of the evils, we lost in both situations, but Trump isnt as bad as he comes off. Hell go to a bachelorette party and you will hear far worse and more raunchy comments.