
Ryan fucked himself when he went against his own base repeatedly. Even the rabid republicans arent supporting him like they used to. Now Trump has the possibility of having 2 Supreme Justices in the next 4 years, a republican house and senate.

You can thank the DNC for fucking the voters with them gaming the system to

Ah, so when will you realize that you are NOT the majority voice in the nation? So it is fine when the system works for you, but as soon as it doesnt you become bitter.

No, you confuse complete lack of trust in Clinton with a want for Trump. Maybe if the DNC had held a fair and impartial election you would have had

And it is over, finally no more politics for awhile.

LMAO, you swore up and down he had no chance...

Don’t bother, Lifehacker has the only editor from the former Gawker sites that cares. Alan Henry and Claire Lower (And I love you BOTH) are the only reason I still visit the “gawker” sites. Gizmodo WAS a tech blog, but look at the last 30 “stories” 5 are sponsored ads, 10 to 15 are Casey Chan’s videos of shit he found

I did the keylime pie from the Anova app. It is really strong in the lime, but I also did not use the bag method, I did it in jars.

I use a 28q Igloo Island Breeze cooler, with a clear walmart sterilite tote with the green clip on lids. the icechest’s lid is removeable too. It fits almost perfectly inside the cooler, I have 2 small paver stones that hold the tote level with the top of the icechest. I cut a hole for the Anova, and slid it into it.

This has no explosion, so no muzzle flash to see...

I used to do that, now I just say to hell with them and cook my own meal at home. So much nicer, and less trouble.

I have done a whole pork tenderloin in my anova, it just needs 3-4 hours to get tender the whole way through.

As in every Michael Bay film...

I cook 90% of the meals in my home, and have for the entirety of my relationship into marriage. I am very efficient I set everything up in advance, and have a system, which I am vainly attempting to teach my 16yo daughter and 14yo son, I make minimal movements, meaning minimal mess. #1 rule preparation , preparation,

Yet looking at comic book sales for DC and Marvel, more than 90% of comic sales are from the North American market 2015 YTD sales NA Market 93.4% leaving 6.6% for every other nation. (Comichron data). So I do see the point of having most of the characters from their main market. They want something familier, that they

I JUST finished this dish, I have them cooling now so they can be chilled. As a side note, can you tell us how many jars and sizes you use for each recipe next time? I was unsure of scale and sizing up to make a large set of jar’d pies. I intend on scaling this one up for a total of 10 jars for a family cookout in

Mason jars are made of annealed glass, and CAN be used in the oven, BUT it needs to be a stable constant heat. Many ovens fluctuate too much, and too quickly causing the glass to fracture and shatter. I was taught to sterilize them in the oven, and as long as it was a “hot” pack item it was ok. We have never had one

Well wonder what pedophile character he will be in this? Jack Sparrow the Wizard? Or Willy Sparrow? Gah, just retire already Depp.

If you find a replacement site, please, please let me know too. I am tired of the slow death spiral here. I have been a follower since 2010 and it just isnt what it once was. So if ya do find a new place let me know at least lol

Octopus would be nice, it is a tougher meat that takes a lot of time to get a product you would want to eat.

Bear is in season, is a tougher, yet delicious fatty meat great as a roast or stew.

Bison is also more common now and AWESOME when cooked correctly.

KR Heroes ended up hawking signed leather jackets from the original series.

Brisket add in a little liquid smoke for the smoke flavor - I know no smoke rings but still tender meat.