
I agree, I did NOT get the flu from the shot. It simply was not effective for me, AND I had multiple reactions to it. The doctor herself diagnosed my illness as the flu each year. I think the shot actually degraded my immune system enough to make catching the flu easier since I was fighting off all the crap it did to

I had a job that required the flu shot. I had the shot 10 times. I ONLY got the flu 10 times in my life. Each time was the year I had the shot. I have a reaction to the shot each time too. Not some other illness, FULL BLOWN influenza. 7-10 days on my ass. I can say with complete confidence that for some people it is

I will, I buy my beef from the ranchers a side of beef at a time.

I remember when Temecula was a TINY town. I lived there and around there for 15 years. I visited in April and was amazed how it has changed in 18 years. It looks like Murrieta became part of Temecula too. I missed the little farmers market/misc shop that used to be on 79 that was behind the first gas station where

Exactly, in the previous movies and books the force itself has directly influenced events. Look at the odds that the droids get off a ship, are found, then sold to the very family that created one of them, and ALSO is the saviour of the galaxy.

Souffle sounds like a good choice to try.

News said at 10am it was 74F... Possible to overheat, yes but not likely. She has claimed health issues before, including in comments to the FBI. Then she says she has no health issues. So which is it? Not sure we need a President who keels over dead due to an existing condition that was hidden from us. Heat

Archer being the worst is not fact, that is opinion. Leave Bakula out of the Gawker pissing matches. I am not going to mourn the loss of Gawker, they shit the bed when the refused to follow a court order - follow it, then dispute it in court. That was a major point in the case against Gawker by Hogan. Right now

My mother got a notification text on hers too.

I have a problem with #9. Pain is subjective, not everyone judges the pain level the same way. I have a really high pain tolerance so when they ask me my pain level on the chart, I tend to tell them it isnt too bad - because to ME it isnt. My wife gets a papercut and her pain level is a 6, mine is a 1.5 I feel it, it

To hell with that, we had a 45 year old repeat offender move in with his father directly across from me. Convicted of 3 cases of kids 12-16. I have a 14 and 15 year old. I caught the fucker STARING at my kids. I walked across the street and told the fat piece of shit that if I caught him or even thought I caught him

I have used qtorrent, deluge, and utorrent up to version 3.4.7. I hate utorrent, but many of the programs I use have out of the box integration that makes it handy to just install and go.

While Deluge uses python, and you have to have a specific version of python for addons. This makes it a pain in the ass when you

A professor I had in college, who was a climatologist said that depending on which theory to believe the Earth was between 3.5 and 6 billion years old. She said our current climate models are based on data that is basically from 1900 because scientific recording of climate was not done reliably before that. She said

Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files and his new steampunk series The Cinder Spires, Monster Hunter International series by Larry Correia and his Grimnoir series too. Wheel of Time series, and finally the Amber Chronicles by Zelasney.

The slightest scent of cheese in the air would bring my dog out of a coma, in the next city over. God forbid you open a cheese wrapper in my house. I hear scratch scratch scratch as he tries to gain traction on the hardwood floor to make the corner into the kitchen, sliding into the wall, rebounding then finally

I just never found either of them entertaining. It is like they try too hard to be funny that it falls flat for me, then there is this and it just sucks. I grew up on the SNL “Greats” era in the 70's where we had Gilda Radner and Candice Bergin…

This is still a “gawker” site until Univision changes things - so remember using logic to try to educate the idiots here doesnt go well. They dont care that she was caught lying multiple times on this issue, they dont care about the inappropriate meeting of Bill with the ONE person who can stop Hillary from being

Install Sonarr at and have it download and sort your television shows for you on your htpc. It uses torrents and nzb’s if you have a paid newsgroup account. It has all the popular content and is free if you use torrents only. So far from the forums it is hit or miss for WWE Network shows and relies

Eureka and WH13. Also I never watch anything on Fox until after the 1st season is over to see if it is renewed... It is just too painful to get attached to Fox - especially the Friday night slot.

Update time? With windows 10 having apps now for comics are any worth it or just stick with the classics?