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The fact Depp played the role like a pedofile creepy as fuck with no soul killed it for me. Wilder had this, I am dangerous, but wont actively kill you. Love his manic rowing sequence...

In Texas summer heat you need 3X that lmao that and lots of drinks.

but it isnt fried lol

Gator, but gator is best fried for the tastiness. So... Bacon covered quail or other small bird as long as wrapped in bacon. Hell you could do a tennis ball wrapped in bacon and that shit would be awesome

Lubrication fixed ours, it can also be a bearing with an odd wear pattern in it, then it only makes noise when it hits the sweet spot. Get a good spray grease and get the shaft of the fan real good. Normally I spray a cleaner in it first then clean the gunk that comes out, then re-grease it. It stops most of the

Uh, Hillary accepted donations from the head of the KKK... Also, couldnt she even fill up a community college meeting? Pictures of the event show a ton of empty seats to the right and left where only the televised areas were filled.

Mine will be “01001001 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100001 01101100 01101100" it will confuse the fuck outta everyone lmao (translate it yourself it is binary code)

You missed his point, fish are living animals and you admit to not treating them as such. By keeping them in small bowls they never have a chance to have a quality life. I have a 250g, 150g, 2-55g and a 29g tank in my home perfectly clean, with the proper environment for the type of fish I have. Even nasty ass

At this point it is very difficult to be anticipating any of the new DC movies. Flop after flop, with movies at BEST could be called cluttered, how can we look forward to anything from DC’s movie program. To rip off a comment on a DC fan board, “Even Green Lantern was better... and it sucked”. Hell it is sad that the

Water must have gotten worse, I grew up surfing from Oceanside to Oxnard and could tell 90% of the time.

I love the DC Animated movies and the television shows, but the morons in charge of the live action have made movies that dont interest me. BvsS sucked, major plot issues, and just not interesting to me. Now, all my DC friends went to see SS, and most said they felt cheated because it wasnt good either.

If they can

Shit you got lucky, I see Rattata and Pidgey ONLY even when the poke tracking apps were working there was nothing within 15 miles of me worth walking to. Even incense only brought rats. No battles unless at a gym - which is 2 towns over in the opposite way I go to work. No pokestops in the same range. I normally walk

You can also see them, the water looks dirty or muddy when you look at the water because it is picking up sand while heading out. It is a subtle color change but it is there. I had an overzealous lifeguard yank me off my surfboard when I floated into one. I could see it, was in no danger, and was simply waiting it

Winter Soldier would just setup a situation where NW would show up to rescue someone, then shoot him from max range. Nightwing would take a round to the head and it would explode like a watermelon. He is a trained assassin with sniper training. Even Batman is weak against a bullet he cant see coming. And Superman

Stop feeding the trolls it makes no sense. I was given several drugs classified as PED’s while recovering from surgery on my knee and later on my back. If used as directed by a doctor they have very low risk. For my knee it was an anabolic steroid cocktail low dose once a week for 30 days. Doctor joked that I wouldnt

What new package is the best value? The 2tb has no game, but has the stand, the 1tb has madden, the 500gb has the masterchief collection and halo 5. What do you suggest?

The program is fine if you live in an area where people use the reporting feature. In my area there are zero reports within a 60 mile radius 99% of the time.

There was a report of a flash in the sky like a propane line breaking. If that happened the whole envelope can ignite fast. They are still talking to people about it so it will take some time to get final reports.…

Actually they WERE proven guilty of several charges but were not charged for the crimes. AG Lynch had the discretion to charge Clinton for her crimes but did not do so. The FBI director pointed out that the probe was tasked with examining whether Clinton or her aides had mishandled classified information. They found